I am lucky to have a daughter and a daughter-in-law that are both wonderful MOTHERS. This post is to tell Amanda how over the top PROUD I am of her, especially this Mother’s Day. The almost 12 year old PARKER above is the little boy that made her a Mom and me a Grammy years ago at the very young age of 18. For the next 11 years she worked for a doctor and had a very good job, BUT she always wanted to go back to school and finish college.
Fast forward to last October when her Dad had his stroke and something changed. She encountered many nurses through our 6 week hospital stay and realized the difference a GOOD NURSE makes. A few weeks later she first told her Dad and then me, that she was quitting her job and going back to school to become a nurse. It was huge to give up a good job and an income.
With Micah’s blessing and encouragement, she did just that. Took a HUGE leap of faith. In January she enrolled in school and has studied until her eyeballs have almost fallen out. She finished her first semester this week with all A’s and 1 very high B.
I cannot tell you how proud we are of her. She is going to be an awesome nurse. Staying home has given her a new lease on life.
The extra amount of time she has gotten to spend with her boys has been the big BONUS. She has even taken up golf and she and Micah play several times a week. She is just HAPPY. And that makes a Mom and Dad HAPPY.
This little boy below, Jack aka Woody made her a Mom for the second time.
This Man made her his QUEEN and shows his boys how to treat her everyday!
Happy Mother’s Day Amanda
Tomorrow I will get some new pictures of Dana with her boys and post them soon. She is a great Mom and I am proud to call her my daughter-in-love.
Remember there is a giveaway tomorrow….and because I need you to do something for me, I will give away another “Card Box” on Wednesday. My little nephew is in a contest that I so want him to win.
Would you please go to this link and vote for Sweet William. You do not have to sign up, just click on his name and that’s it.
Come BACK HERE and tell me. Your name will go in the drawing for tomorrow and Wednesday.
If you have not read this post on my other blog, it may be my most read post since I began blogging. I am shocked at the email and all the requests to repost it..(be sure and turn the music down)
Happy Mother’s Day to all my blog friends.