Monday, June 28, 2010


First of all, thank you for all the great comments on the last post. I know lots of bloggers were waiting to read the helpful hints and learn the ways that other bloggers handle reading other blogs. I copied all the tips and am planning to revamp my system, which ultimately was no system or plan.

This post should be titled shots from a family Sunday afternoon. Dana has the best pictures of Grayson's birthday celebration on her camera. I need to get her to send them to me...I promise to share that little man and his cute pictures with you later. I can tell you that on Sunday what was most on my mind was just GRATITUDE. A year before we were spending every hour with him in the NICU and praying that he would be fine. Today he is a HEALTHY one year old, walking everywhere and learning new words everyday. Today I am just sharing a few random shots from the day. They will speak for themselves.. You will see that Jack liked EVERY toy that Grayson got and in his little mind I can see him plotting to sneak some out the door. I think he he was clutching a Buzz and a Bob Bob (Sponge Bob).

Amanda and Dana swap babies in a couple of pictures..and Parker and Austin have had two days of fun at Austin's house. Cousins having fun cannot be beat. There are a couple of pictures of Micah and Amanda and from the looks of them they really like each other.

THE WINNER is SOMEONE I did not recognize at first. I WAS THRILLED to see which blog it was and to realize who it was. I already had her daughter's picture on my blog. I think this drawing may have been a GOD thing.
The SURPRISE PACKAGE....goes to Cathy at The Stylish House! I will post a picture of it when I ship it. PLEASE stop by her blog and read her story. Her beautiful daughter has a GREAT need. I would love it if you would leave her a WORD of ENCOURAGEMENT.
On a side note, Parker is a HAPPY CAMPER tonight, as his Mom and a friend are taking him to the midnight showing of the new TWILIGHT movie.