Sunday, November 22, 2009


Just happened to have a couple of new pictures of my youngest two grandsons...These are BOTH miracle boys...Jack spent 2 weeks plus in the NICU with spinal meningitis when he was 4 days old....and we almost lost him. As I write those words I cannot imagine life without him....and yes he
still takes a bottle occasionally. Who cares? He is beginning to say any and all words...and is a laugh a minute....another baby that changed everything...

This is my youngest grandson. He is five months old this week.

Grayson was a longed for and much wanted baby...who also had a rough start. He too spend two weeks in the NICU with some breathing problems....HE is totally fine today and he looks exactly like a picture I have of his Dad at just this age. He and his beautiful Mom came by the house I was decorating yesteday and it was such a nice BREAK in a long day! He smiles constantly....That may become his nickname.

My older two boys, Parker and Austin are having a slumber party tonight, one of their favorite things to do. I need to call Greg and get him to snap a picture of the two of them..They are BUSY BOYS and the camera is not something they care much about. All four of these little guys are my heart.
Thanksgiving week is a time for savoring our blessings, realizing our hope for the future and a time to give thanks! This week I want to do all three. In my business it is easy to think about the next tree, the next house, the long to do list! I am determined to stop each day and GIVE THANKS!

Be sure and stop by my CHRISTMAS BLOG. There are TWO GIVEAWAYS this week and you just MIGHT win one.

I said this on my other blog but wanted to say it here again. GO and SEE THE BLIND SIDE! It is Sandra Bullock and Tim McGraw at their best...Jack and I slipped into the movie late Friday. A rare treat during tree season. WE are movie lovers and this was one of the BEST movies I have seen in several years. One of those movies that when the credits roll, no one gets up. A movie you think about! A movie that you think about again. A movie that makes you take stock of your own life. A movie that somehow makes you want to be a better person. A perfect movie for Thanksgiving week. Have a blessed week.


Mimmy said...

Grandchildren are the very best gifts from God. Thank you for sharing yours and for the great reminder to take time out EVERY day to be thankful.

God Bless,

Bacardi Mama said...

Your grandsons are adorable. We are very lucky ladies to have been blessed with our wonderful and amzing grandkids. I wanted to go see The Blindside this weekend, but didn't make it. I am going to see it though. It looks so good and I love sports movies.

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

Darling...the best eye candy possible!!! I feel like I have seen two little angels!!!

Happy Sunday!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Teresa! Oh, what darling little grandboys. Little miracle ones! I'm so looking forward to holding my grandbaby!
I would love to see this movie. It does sound like it would be a good one. Thanks for the review.
I want to wish you a lovely blessed Thanksgiving.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Jane In The Jungle said...

I'm taking all my boys to see this one...except daddy who'll have to stay home with the girl!

Love the boy pics....and my 3 yr old will still occasionally ask for a bottle, LOL!

Menopausal New Mom said...

What beautiful little grandsons you have and I'm so happy to hear that they are well.

I've heard that The Blind Side is worth paying admission to go see. Several gals have been blogging about it, might just have to pick a night and go to the movies!

Tootsie said...

those are some great reasons to be thankful! they sure are beautiful!

Justabeachkat said...

Your boys are adorable! I can't believe how big Grayson is. Wasn't it just last week when he was born?! LOL

I can't wait to see The Blind Side. I've seen the previews and it looks like one I know I will enjoy.

Happy Thanksgiving sweet friend!

Alison said...

Yes, grandchildren are truly wonderful gifts - I know!! And what a great stary and great photos you have shared.

Michelle @ Delicate Construction said...

Those pictures are adorable! said...

Four times blessed with beautiful grandsons. I love how God sends reminders to us to slow down and feel gratitude in the middle of hurrying and rushing about. I look forward to pictures of them all.

Mary said...

Teresa, I loved seeing your two little miracles...they are beautiful babies...I agree with the granddaughter was still taking a bottle at age 3, thanks to me! Her mom tried to take her off of it, but she would come here during the day for me to take care of, and look up at me with those big blue eyes, and say "ba-ba, Mimi?" Now, could I resist that???

I'm with grands are the light in my life...I love them so.

Thanks for the suggestion on the movie. There isn't much that we care to see, so a "referral" to something that is good is welcome.

Wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving with your beautiful family!


Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

You have much to be thankful for. Enjoy your family time 'round the Thanksgiving table this week.

Have the best day and enjoy all those blessings!!!

Nina Diane said...

they are just precious! Grandbabies are the best part of life!

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

Oh, what a sweet little face!

Courtney said...

Cute pictures. They are both sweet boys. Have a great Thanksgiving Week!

Unknown said...

Sweet pictures of those boys!!

Thanks for your great comment on my blog today!


Grami's girls said...

Those little guys are the cutest! I'm enjoying looking at all your trees! Have a Blessed Thanksgiving!

Relyn Lawson said...

Oh, you have beautiful grandboys. I must say, there is nothing like a grandma. said...

Your grandkids are such a blessing to you. I hope that you will enjoy them tomorrow on Thanksgiving.

Have a great day!


Terra said...

I already want to see the movie Blind Side and now, after your recommendation, I doubly want to see it. I think it is based on a book which would be good to read too.