Thursday, September 17, 2009


I found an interesting post when I stopped by Heart 2 Heart . She was doing a post based on five words she was given. She invited us to play along if we wanted and you know me, I love knowing about people so I asked her to send me my 5 words. If you too are interested, leave me a comment and your email address and I too will send you 5 random words. These are my 5 words......

1. Point......I am at the point in my life where I am comfortable with myself, my marriage, my kids, and my friends. For so many years, I struggled with being ENOUGH, being RIGHT, being BUSY ENOUGH, and finally I am at a Point that I am COMFORTABLE in my own skin. (almost all the time)

2. Inspirational.....So many people are inspirations to me.... single moms, soldiers, bloggers, friends that are seriously ill, kind people. I so much want to be an inspiration to others.

3. Guard......During this past year I have had to learn to guard my heart against toxic relationships in my life. For years, I allowed these relationships to keep me in a constant state of stress. In a teaching Beth Moore spoke a word that spoke to me about guarding our hearts. It has been freeing in so many ways.

4. Travel.....Easy one....I love it and Disney is my (our) favorite location. I am totally convinced that traveling teaches kids as much as school. I am planning a trip right now. And my favorite way to travel is with our entire family. ME and MY MAN, MY GIRL and her husband and 2 BOYS, MY SON and his wife and TWO BOYS. BLISS!!! And traveling by air is by far my most favorite way to go....

5. Image......This one almost stumped me.....There is my self image, my perceived image, my husbands image of me, my kids image of me, my friends image of me......I sure want all these to be good....but most of all I am thankful that I am made in the image of GOD!

Once again, if you want to participate, leave me a comment and your email and I will randomly select 5 words for you. What a great way to learn just a little bit more about each other and have fun sharing our lives. Just another way to know more about someones STORY.

Don't forget to visit the Christmas blog...the button is at the top of this one....all comments on it go into a drawing for a HUGE ORNAMENT and HOLIDAY GOODIES GIVEAWAY that I will draw for on OCTOBER 1st.....


Stayathomemommy said...

What great words you got! I am very much interested and would love for you to send me five words!

Sarah @ Preaching In Pumps said...

Oh how I love Disney - have you ever done one of their cruises? I've done two, the most recent through the eastern Mediterranean. Disney and Rome? Yes, please!!

I would love 5 words - send them my way!!

Morgan Owens said...

Well hello there! Hope your day is going splendid!I was looking for a link to your Christmas blog and I don't see the button for it....?? If you would like to email me the link and also 5 words, I'd love to participate! Thank you! said...

I loved your answers! Image...a tough one but I loved how you answered it.

Jennifer said...

Would love to participate! These five words might jumpstart the writer's block I feel I'm having lately!


Heart2Heart said...


WOW! You did a great job in making all of these words work for you. I love the image one the best and guard was a great piece of advice contained within, that not all relationships in our life are meant to be kept. Sometimes we can only walk away and lift them up in prayer.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

Cindy Lou said...

I would love to do the 5 words!!
Hope your day is great!! Blessings to you!!

The Mini - Maker said...

Awesome! I would love five words too!
skelb (at) hotmail (dot) com

rachaelgking said...

Love #3. :-)

Roxanne said...

I would also love 5 words. Lets see what you come up with.Thanks for advice from awhile ago .


Heidi said...

So, can you send me my five words tonight. I post late. Hubby will be home soon, so gotta hurry to get it done before then.

Loved your answers here.

Heidi@2 Thinks to Share

PropellerHeadMom said...

I loved your answers for the 5 words! We are actually heading down to Disney (by plane) next week. I have a 6 year old and a 3 year old. They are very excited (me too)!

Elizabeth Mullins said...

This looks really fun! I loved your answer btw! My email is

Michelle @ Delicate Construction said...

What a great idea! I guess I will jump on in with both feet and request five words as well. Thanks!
Oh and I am a huge fan of Disney!

Ohilda said...

How neat this is. Please send me my 5 words.



Deborah said...

I am at That Point too. I say that I am comfortable in my almost 57-year-old skin...maybe because it is looser!!! I think you could be my new BFF! **blows kisses**

Mimmy said...

Teresa - Thank you so much for your post. I'm so sorry that I've been gone again. Hopefully within the next few weeks things will get better. My new laptop computer should be here.

Take care and God Bless,

Abba's Girl said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog...I love yours and need to add it to blogs I follow.

Annette ><>

Robin said...

Teresa your thoughts on each word did open a window into your soul for others to see...thank you. I would like five words also...


Anonymous said...

I've never seen a Five Words post. Pretty neat.

I think you did an amazing job with your five words. From what you said, it sounds like you're in a very healthy place in your life right now.

Anonymous said...

I really relate to #1 and #3.

Terra said...

I love your five words post, and if you send me five I will post what I write with them.
I am so excited to find your blog because now I learn you have a Christmas blog.
I wrote a book dedicated to celebrating Christmas & yes I also love that season.
For the 5 words my email is thekilns at excite dot com

The Lysser said...

Those were five awesome words and I would love a set of my own! I sure hope you're stopping by to see the fruits of your five word passing out labor! Thank you! <3, Alyssa

blushing rose said...

Always great to learn more about our friends. Have a lovely weekend. TTFN ~Marydon

Alison said...

I would love 5 words too! Can you leave them on my blog when you pop by please? It was great to see you there - I hope you have looked back at the earlier entiries, as things have slowed down a lot since I got back from France.:-(

~*Michelle*~ said...

Love this!

OK, you have me intrigued with "guard".....I struggle with guarding my heart/mind/self with toxic people and relationships. (read my Call Poison Control post if you ever get chance)

Can you hook a sista up with that Beth Moore word?


Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Great post and enjoyed my visit!


Slice of Pie said...

I love your site ... and your Christmas site. Thanks so much for visiting mine ... and yes, I'd love for you to mention my Christmas cookbook on your blog. Feel free to link to my blogsite or to my website. BTW, grandmothering is my favorite job of all times! Yours too??!!


Unknown said...

What a fabulous idea! I love it. And I thought you did a great idea with your five words. I too am grateful to be made in the image of God...things wouldn't be that great looking if I weren't, LOL!

I'd love to have you send me five words too! My e-mail is on my profile as well. Thanks for becoming a follower on my blog. I'm now following you as well. I always love meeting new, beautiful Christian sisters in blogland!

God bless your Sunday!

KD said...

I would like to participate also. Love the idea of the 5 words. And loved your answers to your words.


Leslie @ A Blonde Ambition said...

I love your words! I would really like to play too.

My email address is


King J's Queen said...

Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a message! I have a MckLinky on the right side, if you want to post your Christmas giveaway there, too.

I noticed the Bible verse at the top of your blog. Jeremiah 29:11 is a special verse for me. It was the first memory verse I chose for our daughter the first week of homeschool! It has appeared in many different areas since then.

I'd love to participate in the Five Words.

Jess said...

I loved this and those were awesome words...

I want to join whenever you get a chance and everyone is well, please send me five great words. said...

Thoroughly enjoyed this post. Especially the word image :)

E @ Scottsville said...

I've seen a couple of these "Five Words" Memes around the blogs lately and they're really neat.

Good job!

Terra said...

Thank you for sending me my very own Five Random Words.
I posted it today on my blog, with a link in my post to your blog here.
This is a fun little word game which even reveals a bit about us.

Deb said...

Love how you're so comfortable with who you are.

And where you are.

I love Heart to Heart. What a great idea!

If you send me five words, I'll try.

Sweet dreams.

Linda said...

Teresa, Grammy Girlfriend,
I loved your 5 words! Your answers were great! You are so creative and gifted.

I think you are the first tree decorator that I have met. I do good to get my tree up,..but when I am doing it I enjoy it. You have great ideas.

Sorry your grandkids have been sick. Hope you and your honey don't get it.

We are family people too as well as Disney lovers. We went with our middle daughter, Lynnette (Dancing Barefoot), and her husband Kyle and their 6 kids to Disneyland last year for vacation and this year to Branson again. It is fun. I wish our whole family could go at once, but with everyone there would be 18 of us,...and that is quite a crowd. Plus it wouldn't work out with everyone's schedules.

Whew!,...ok please send me my 5 words.

Thanks for visiting my blog and for leaving nice comments.

Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

Reid said...

Loved your 5 words!!!

Linda said...

Ok Teresa, I did my post with my five words today, but I was wondering,...shouldn't there be a linky hook up so that all of us who participated can read each others? I mean my followers that participate will come up on my reading list, so I can read theirs, but of course I won't see your follwers lists and posts unless we happen to have mutual followers. (SMILE) Am I just not getting it? (I do that sometimes) tee hee

Carol said...

I am a huge Beth Moore fan and would really, really love to know what she has to say about toxic people. We'll get to listen to her three times in Memphis in two weeks at LPL. CANNOT WAIT! And you speak my heart about traveling with those children -- big and little.