Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I Am Falling In Love Again

I had not planned to post tonight but after a few hours with this little man...I had to share a few pictures.
My Dad cannot get enough of me ! I wonder if he knows I have no plans to sleep any tonight!
Talk about a little Angel!

This is my Big Brother, Austin. He has good toys!

My Mom, Grammy and Aunt Manda pay to get their hair this color!

I hear that my Dad has great toys! And my brother told me he goes crazy in Walmart and Target. I think I like him! (Grayson quote...remember I can understand his language)
Grammy really likes me and I hear she likes to travel fun places!She just keeps staring at me...Jack told me she does the same thing to him!It must have something to do with being a grandkid.


Anonymous said...

Oh Teresa, I never get tired of seeing all of you love on the sweet baby grayson! Grayson has some wonderful big brothers too!! Have a good night, hugs, Jennifer

Eclectic Chic Style said...

He's the cutest thing!!! I wouldn't be able to stop staring either, and he's just so angelic in his photos!!
♥ Teresa

Anonymous said...

I think I'm falling in love with Grayson too! He is about the most gorgeous baby I've seen in a long time.

Jill said...

Those are such beautiful pictures. I can understand how you never get enough of him!

Darla said...

Well you have the cute factor covered now don't you!!

Abbi said...

omg...he's beautiful!! i could fall in love with him too!!! i love seeing all the pics!!!

Rebecca Jo said...

He is so amazingly beautiful!!! I love his hair... & those eyes... & that nose... easy to fall in love with!

Amelia said...'d better get used to ladies staring at you because your handsomeness is just so overwhelming baby!!! :0) Looks like you're a real swell guy and a snappy dresser! :0) Hope you allowed your mom some rest last night!

Bacardi Mama said...

Grayson is too cute! I'll never get tired of looking at that adorable little face. Keep the pictures coming.

schwadette said...

Just found your blog via another blog... and I think that it's so cool that you are such a proud grandma! :) The little guy is adorable...very sweet :)...

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

such sweet expressions! He uses his eyebrows and looks like he wants to tell you all his thoughts :o)

Blessings & Aloha!

McNew Family said...

You are one lucky Grandma! Love on that sweet boy some more!


Teresa, Beautiful!!! I love seeing all the pics that you share. I never get tired of hearing about your precious family. Keep the posts coming. Many Blessings,

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

These are the sweetest images I have ever seen!!! This baby is precious and so obviously adored!!!



grammy said...

What great pictures of your Grandkids you have been posting lately (o: They grow so fast don't they. Have fun holding him and kissing his delicious little head.

blushing rose said...

Oh, the love that jumps from the photos ... you have a beautiful Grayson. These little ones grow too quickly ..... TTFN ~Marydon

Michele said...

Oh my gosh...he's just adorable. Weird thing is, as I look at the pictures, he looks so much like my youngest Mark. The blonde hair and blue eyes...just a cutie pie!


MissyM said...

Awwwwww.....he is such a cutie pie. Such pretty little baby skin! That puts a smile on my face.

Mimi said...

Oh my he is just so beautiful to look at, is that the right adjective for a baby boy!!!
I love his hair, the color and how much he has, our little Miss C is just barely getting hair and she is 13 months now!! Good thing she wears her headbands and big bows!!! It will come MIMI, just be patient, that is what she tells me everyday, cause I understand everything she says too!!!

monica said...

He is just so cute!!! Pretty baby with beautiful open eyes!!

Maryann said...

Sweet!! I could get a cavity from his little sweetness! They are so great to drink in at that age.

Holly said...

sooooooooooo cuuuuuuuute!!

Sandi said...

he is a beautiful baby. Lovely pics!

koreen (aka: winn) said...

Talk about a mutual adoration society! He's darn precious. =)

Tootsie said...

what a beautiful baby! I think I fell in love too! said...

He's gorgeous and I'm sure taking plenty of notes on ways to wrap everyone around his cute little fingers. I love his hair coloring!

Courtney said...

He is so cute. I love his hair!

Trina said...

Simply adorable! I love newborns, they are so sweet! :)

Thanks for the comment on my blog!!

Stephanie said...

Such great pictures. What a little sweetie!

Gracie said...

He is so perfect! What a miracle =)

Sue said...

He sure is an exceptionally handsome little fellow! Sure is fun to see how much love is going around in your family!!

Betty Jo said...

What a precious baby! Congratulations to all!! ♥

Ann said...

Grayson is just precious!

Mikki said...

What a cute post and precious little boy!!

Grami's girls said...

Teresa he is really a pretty little boy. Greg looks so proud!!..becky

Theta Mom said...

Thank you so much for visiting my blog!

He is so adorable! You must love every minute of this...I have a 10 month-old daughter and I can't believe how fast the time is going! I'll be following. :)

Leslee said...

What a lucky, lucky lady! He is gorgeous...

I am looking forward to being s Grandma too!

Karen Valentine said...

Hi Teresa! Thanks for popping in and saying hi! Your grandson is absolutely gorgeous (and I'm not just saying that.) I noticed you decorate homes for the holidays. I worked for an interior designer and did that for many years. It was a lot of work!!! (But very fun too) Now I'm happy to just go all out in my own home! Have a wonderful week!

My Desert Cottage

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for stopping by The Cobia Blog. I hope to see you there more often. Have a great day!

Stacie said...

Beautiful baby!! Loved seeing the pictures. Austin is going to make a good brother! Have a great day!

Jillene said...

He is GORGEOUS!! Thanks for visiting my blog!! I love new friends and your blog is GREAT!! I think I will be a return visitor!! Have a great day!!

christy rose said...

He is just gorgeous! Really! He is a very pretty baby!

Lindsey said...

Love your blog too! Such a gorgeous baby!!

Leslie said...

Thanks for stopping by. You've got yourself one darling grandson!

Martha said...

what a beautiful baby! i am sure you will have fun spoiling him and his brother!

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

He is so precious.

Diana Lesjak said...

So very precious!

stefanie said...

He's scrumptious. Congratulations! The last picture is amazing!

Misty Rice said...

What about strangers, do you mind having strangers sleep at your house? I want to sleepover. It looks like so much fun. And I love these pictures, may have to jump through the screen and come smooch on that little face.. and play with his beautiful hair. Love it.

PS: My word verification is FRIES... I love fries and eat them like it is SIN.

DreamTNM said...

Thank you for visiting my blog and for your lovely comments:)

Your Grandsons are just adorable! You are a lucky Grammy! :)

Flat Creek Farm said...

What a beautiful grandbaby you have! Can't wait to be a Grammy myself someday. Thanks for the visit, and I am enjoying my visit here! Your blog design is gorgeous! -Tammy

Jason and Lisa said...

Hi Grammy Girlfriend,
Thanks for the nice comment on my blog and thanks for stopping by.All of your grandbaby boys are so cute.My parents now have 2 grandsons only 6 months apart and are having a blast with them.

Trasie Bressler said...

He is absolutely adorable!!!

Many Many Blessings,
Trasie Bressler

P.S. I am still loving my cards that I won through your blog. Love Love Love them as a matter of fact!!!

Jackie said...

Aww, how sweet!

Candice said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog, that baby is darling and makes me want another!

Lisa Noel said...

OMG! Those photos make me missing having a little little one!!! Makes me want another one!!!!!!!!
But shhhh don't tell anyone I said that!!!

Maria said...

Hello! Thank you for "hopping" by my corner of the interwebby :) What a sweet, sweet, new grandson you have!

Jerri at Simply Sweet Home said...

Oh my goodness. He's so adorable! Congrats!

YaYa's Funhouse said...

Teresa, thanks for stopping by my blog. Grayson is adorable and so alert. Makes me just want to squeeze him and steal some sugars!! HA!!
Thanks for sharing.

Night Owl Mama said...

loved your post what a gorgeous BABY love the way you let him speak for himself he truly is a blessing and you look wonderful holding him