Thursday, July 29, 2010


I had not planned to post again this week, as this was my REAL POST for the week. Look what I bought...another copy to give away...This just happens to be a book that has touched me in a way no book has in a long time..
ALL you have to do is leave a comment on this post and I will draw a winner on Sunday night. If I keep buying them I am going to have one for everyone that wants one. Ha

Today Terri and I shopped and BOUGHT lots of TREE STUFF....dripping sweat, thinking about trees...Something is not right about that. The tree schedule is almost done and then it really gets serious...and my holiday blog will go back to TREES.

I have spent the week busy keeping my littles....and not to BRAG, well maybe a little, but my son-in-law...yea the one I did not want Amanda to marry, gave her a FULL SPA DAY for this next Saturday, in a card on their real anniversary which was yesterday...That was after he had wined and dined her all weekend. This man is making me look BAD....but NOTHING MAKES me HAPPIER. I see him patterning himself so much after my husband and as long as he does that....he will never go wrong/translated to treat your wife like a QUEEN!

I have read some GREAT posts this week and want to be sure you do not miss them. This one brought me to tears. This one made me laugh! Please read this and PRAY. Pray as if it were your child or grandchild...for me that changes my prayer.
We have a busy weekend coming up. Tomorrow Parker and I are going to see CATS and DOGS...Saturday I am going to the wedding of a young man I have known since birth..It will be an opportunity for me to see many friends that I have not seen in 15 or 20 years. Then on to Dallas in 107 degree weather and a few days at market.....really a little grandparent trip with Parker. I had hoped to run by Canton on the way, but someone that went today said the heat was UNBEARABLY HOT.
I have enjoyed finding so many new blogs through New Friend Fridays. There are so many great blog hops. I just need to figure out which ones to be a part of...
I am really thinking about changing to Windows Live Writer...I would LOVE your feedback.
Also stop by A Baby Changes Everything, where I have two great bundles of books to giveaway on Sunday night.
This was Jack at bath time tonight...He is a little ham...and loves the camera. He makes MY HEART SMILE....I cannot imagine my life without him.



Anonymous said...

I LOVE that picture of Jack ~ he is so adorable. I am excited that Christmas is coming:) Love your ad!!!

Tammy Ewert

Bacardi Mama said...

I almost bought this book last night. I put it in my Amazon cart, but didn't follow through. It is still sitting there. I must have known that you were going to give away another one. Maybe this time I'll be lucky. Little Jack is adorable.

Christina Berry said...

Adorable picture! :)

I'd love to win the book!

Maureen Makes It said...

Terrific blog! Happy to have found you via the Friday follows. I'm pleased to be following you. Come by and see me, too! :)


Weezer said...

No way can I even give Christmas tree decorationa a thought right now. You're a better woman than I am. Jack has grown up so since I've been following your blog. Unbelievable!
So, are you the reason I can't find this book in Augusta? Are you buying them up from all over?
Happy, happy Friday, Teresa.
Weezer said...

It's Christmas time already??? Well, that is, for you, at least. I bet it's so much fun getting ready for the season.

What a great son in law! He sure knows how to steal your daughter's heart!

Anonymous said...

Maybe this book is what I need to help me keep my head on straight during times of stress. I don't know, but I would sure like to find out. Thank you for the opportunity to win!

Unknown said...

I obviously have never been to your website before, but was curious about it after I saw your FB post. I heard Sean Tuohy speak about "Cheerful Giving" at a luncheon in Houston in March. He was very entertaining and, at the same time, well-spoken; although he also is very modest about his own successes and conservative in his values. I would love to hear Leigh Anne speak in person -- she obviously is the power behind the man. I hope I win the book!

Channa, Oh its the Coachs Wife said...

Can you believe I have not read or even looked at that book! I feel in love with the movie, as it was foresight to my life, ha!
I am so glad you loved it though and that it touched your heart!
Hope everything is going great! We have been super is here!

Cyndy Bush said...

Oh I want that book! I loved The Blind Side so much, Leigh Anne Tuohy is my kinda woman.
I saw the book at the store the other day but I have to finish my library books before I buy one! lol

Breathing In Grace said...

Found you at Never Growing Old...and just had to follow mainly because of the verses of scripture on your sidebar!!! Beautiful blog! Come visit me if you get a chance at Jeremiah 29:11.

Hen Jen said...

I'd love to win the book! I finally saw the movie last month..we are always so behind on the movie scene!

Cats and dogs...I'm sure you'll have fun!

Anonymous said...

Happy Friday!! Stopping by to say Hi!.
Thank you for share nice blog,

my community is

Have a nice day.

PS. From Follow Friday 40 and over

Lindsi said...

Yaaaay, another giveaway! :)

I checked out the blogs you mentioned in this post--I cannot believe that I have NOT been following Beth Moore's blog. Glad I stumbled across it through you! Thanks!

Kaypt said...

Love your post and love hearing about your time with your grandsons. Like you I am trying to get as much time as I can before school starts- Aug 11 here - so I'm keeping busy despite the heat in Oklahoma. Keep up the good work.

Theresa said...

Sounds like your daughter is being treated like a queen for sure:) Wonderful fun with the grandkids makes for a tired Grammy!

Enjoy your day my friend! HUGS!

Brooke said...

I love The Blind Side movie! I'm sure the book is great too!

Marissa said...

your blog is SO your posts :)

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

What a sweetheart...Jack rocks. I haven't read the book yet but would love to. I loved,loved,loved the movie!

The Christmas thing....I love Christmas any time of the year!

Your SIL sounds like a real Prince Charming. Mine is a good man but my prayers are he will soon find his way back to God.

God bless ya and have a fantastic weekend.

Brenda said...

I would love to read this book. The Blindside is one of my favorite movies. I love visiting your blog.

Pamela Scott said...

stopping by from friday follow 40 and over,, I am your newest follower, love your blog..

I would love to read this book, thanks for the chance

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Girlie, Even though I don't participate in Giveaways, I hope to read that book. I saw that couple on the Mike Huckabee Show--and was so impressed with them..

Your son-in-law has turned into a real gem, hasn't he???? Sometimes we are fooled by those that our kids choose to marry.

Enjoy your grands... What sweet pictures.

Beansieleigh said...

Oh my gosh... Would you believe I haven't SEEN The Blind Side yet?!!! I believe my daughter offered to lend me her dvd to watch it, but we both just forgot about it from there! I'm going to have to remind her! (0; I LOVE to read though, so if you say you love this book, then please do count me in for the giveaway! Thanks, and have a great weekend! ~tina

Wendy James said...

I just started reading your posts,. and I am hooked! Thank you for posting! I hope I am a winner! I would love that Book.

Donna @ The House on the Corner said...

What a sweet picture!!

I told my "future" son in law, once upon a time....make my daughter happy and you're like one of my own....make her sad and I'm your worse nightmare ;-) Of course I was laughing at the time ~ but only a little!!

Gosfam said...

I am glad your son-in-law is treating your daughter so well that is great. Love the picture of Jack--he is too cute.

I would love to read this book.

Bibi @ Bibi's Culinary Journey said...

I saw the Blind Side movie and it was the most touching movie I've seen in years.

I can't believe you are talking about Christmas already,lol. Right now I am getting tired of the heat wave.

Beth Herring said...

Christmas? really? is it almost Christmas??

i would love that book. I have about 6 that I haven't read yet, but I just can't resist buying one every time I go to Lifeway. ha!

Grandma Cyndi said...

Theirs is a touching story.

Peggy said...

Fun blog!!
I am now following you through
Follow Friday 40+!!
Peggy Gorman

Journey said...

Jack is adorable!

Leah said...

You are one busy gal! Yes, Christmas Trees in 100 degree weather is crazy -- but isn't that the way it is! I loved the movie Blind Side -

Skoots1moM said...

i'm so far behind...i'd like to read that book before i see the movie.

Janell said...

I love your blog - I am glad to see some more mature women with blogs, most of them seem to be young married girls, but we older women have some good stuff to share too!

billypandnikkysmom said...

Look at you getting your Christmas "Stuff" early! You Go Girl!

Teresa @ ♥ Too Many Heartbeats ♥ said...

Wow, you spoke about a lot in this post!

I {{heart}} 'The Blind Side' story. I would love to read the book.

So, I got you hooked on Blog Hop Fridays, huh? :0) Did you see I was featured on Friendly Friday?? I'm so excited!

I LOVE Windows Live Writer. It is great. You should try it!

Your husband and your daughter's husband sounds like my husband! I pray hard all the time that my daughters will find husbands that fit the same mold. It is hard to do but I know God can lead them straight to the right man if they just follow.

Well, I hope you and your hubby have an amazing weekend.


Teresa <><

Crystal said...

Great post and cute pic!!

Linda said...

Grammy Girlfriend you always make me smile. I love your sense of humor. I love how much you love your kids and grandkids. I loved the bathtub reminded me of many fun tub times with my kiddos. God is so good to bless us so much!

Take Care...oh, and I hope I win the book. I loved the Blindside Movie.

Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

gayle said...

Jack is so cute!! I know how you love him!!

Justabeachkat said...

I love it when you post some of your favorite blogs. I've found some to be my favorites too. Thanks.

Love the pic of Jack.

Happy weekend.


A Peculiar Person said...

I would like to invite you to visit my blog. I would love to get your comments on some of my recent posts.

God Bless!

Sally said...

Glad to see I'm not the only one who hasn't seen the movie, but hope to rent it soon. Your Jack is adorable.

BARBIE said...

I would love to win a copy of this book. The movie made me cry!

Merana Leigh said...

As I read this post & comments, I have on my heart that none of us should ever believe Satan's lies. One person CAN make a difference! The heart of the Tuohy's to take in Michael the way they did changed HIS life. The making of the movie The Blind Side touched how many people's lives? Now the book (which I've yet to read & didn't even know existed - thus, I hope I win...but the library will be getting a visit if I don't!). But mostly I see how YOU are making a difference in other's lives with your blog. Your humility shines thru about your son-in-law not being who you would have chosen for your daughter...powerful public admission.

I would love to have you visit & follow my blog...and would welcome comments you would like to share.

Blessings in Christ ~ Merana

Scrapping With Sherry said...

I heard the book is really awesome! I saw them on a interview not to long ago and was amazed at what an awesome family they have!

You are a busy lady! I thought I kept busy... You put me to shame! lol!

I came to your blog today to introduce myself. My name is Sherry and I'm a new Bloggerette Sorority Sister. I am a newbie to the blog world. I have been blogging for about 3 weeks! so I missed the Rush, but I am looking forward to joining in on the fun in the future! I would love it if you would come visit me at Hope to see you there!

Take Care~ Sherry

Pat@deepintheheart said...

Thanks so much for reading my blog. I think we must have a lot in common, particularly being a Grammy! I am always uplifted by your blog.

Blessed Beyond said...

I would love one! How so very sweet of you to buy something for your give away!!! What a blessing!