Saturday, May 29, 2010


We are in a hotel in DALLAS waiting to fly out EARLY tomorrow to
SAIL WITH THE MOUSE for six days and CELEBRATE PARKER JUST A LITTLE MORE......Do you get that I am MADLY in love with this KID? I got him his VERY first NEW, all his own, LAPTOP yesterday. This BOY is a HAPPY CAMPER. He and his Pop are laid up in the bed watching one movie after another, after swimming all morning, while I am going through all our paper work to BE SURE we have all the right documents to get on the BOAT. Not a small task! Next I am making sure all our luggage is tagged, clothes laid out for a 4 AM wake-up call, and then I need to go downstairs and get our boarding passes printed. PLUS SOMEONE SNORED last night (won't say who but it was not me or Parker) and I SLEPT very running on fumes.

Just checked my email and I WON a contest with the post on MICAH taking JACK to meet his DAD in prison. First contest I can ever remember winning. AND to keep you up to date, MICAH WENT BACK YESTERDAY to their MONTHLY PICNIC! His Dad is still in shock and so thrilled not only to now know Jack, but to have reconnected with his SON. JUST WOW is all I can say.
How appropriate that the first contest I ever won in the blog world came from Mrs. Claus at
ITS LIKE CHRISTMAS EVERY SINGLE DAY! Please visit her site and read the other entries. THANK YOU MRS. CLAUS! You made my day!

Hopefully the next post will be from the DISNEY SHIP WONDER! Parker just said to me, "GRAMMY, this time tomorrow we will BE ON THE SHIP!"
I am not a scary flyer, but with all that is going on in the world today, I never take for granted a SAFE if you think about it, pray that we have a smooth flight, on time, with luggage, feeling good and all the rest that goes with starting a DREAM VACATION. We all just put on our seasick meds behind our ears...just for precaution.



Theresa said...

Oh my, I am so jealous! Sounds like you are having a great time and it is only going to get better as the days go by! Congrats on your win! You deserve it! Enjoy your trip and stay safe! HUGS!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Have a wonderful trip.

Your life sounds full of joy and I am happy for you and your family.


Love Being A Nonny said...

Have a wonderful time celebrating your boy. Happy birthday to him!!!

ethelmaepotter! said...

Waiting anxiously to hear all about it!

Aliene said...

Hope you have a wonderful time on your trip.

Unknown said...

Congratulations Teresa! What a fabulous win and wow it was your first! I know ya'll are going to have the best time! Enjoy it all.

Hugs...Tracy :)

Susan said...

Have a wonderful trip. Congrats on winning. It was a wonderfully touching description of the reunion. Take care and have fun.

billypandnikkysmom said...

Have fun & safe travels!!

Sandra Burns said...

Congrats again on winning!

Hope you have a super-fabulous-can't-believe-God-loves-me-THIS-much-just-like-winning-a-blog-award kind of vacation!!!

Leslee said...

I'm sure that you all are enjoying the ship & THE MOUSE!!!

I just re-read the original post and it still gives me chills and tears well up in my eyes. It is written so wonderfully and it is very clear to see what a wonderful relationship you have with your son-in-law!! Congratulations...

Erin W said...

I hope that you have a WONDERFUL time on your cruise! I can't wait to hear all about it and see those pictures!

I too just read your Micha post. You are a great writer and I had tears in my eyes! So glad that hear that things are still going well for them. That's fantastic!

Justabeachkat said...

Thinking about you and knowing you're having a wonderful time.

Congrats on your win.

Hugs sweet friend,

Just a little something from Judy said...

After reading this post, I think you sound like the kind of lady one needs when one takes a trip. You seem to be so organized and yet so relaxed. I understand your prayer request about flying. I will say a prayer for you today. Hope you all have a wonderful time together. What a good grandma you are!

Oh, and congratulations on your award. It was well deserved.

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

Have a wonderful time! I can't wait to hear all about it when you return!


Unknown said...

May you have a fabulous trip, Teresa!

Have a great week.
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

Heart2Heart said...


Congratulations and happy and safe travels all rolled into one. Knowing you, it will be a blast!

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

Beth E. said...

Have a wonderful time, Teresa! Looking forward to hearing all about your trip...take lots of pics!

Beth Herring said...

I am so excited for the great time you are having! You are just so precious my friend.

I read your post about Amanda and her pregnancy and it just echoed so much of MY story with my daughter and her pregnancy at 16 and the birth of her daughter at age 17. It wasn't easy, but oh, the joy of that baby girl who is now 7 years old and the light of my life!

you bless me! said...

I'm so excited to hear about your cruise. What an adventure you all are going to have.

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Congratulations on your win! And Yay! for your Disney cruise :o) Have an awesome, awesome, magical time ;o)

Blessings & Aloha!

Unknown said...

HOpe you have a wonderful cruise! What a great gift!


Holly said...

Have a great time!!!

Teresa Kline said...

have a fabulous time!

enjoy *~*

myletterstoemily said...

what an awesome opportunity.
have fun!

myletterstoemily said...

that sounds incredible! so happy
for you.

myletterstoemily said...
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