Saturday, May 15, 2010


Don't miss this post and make a deliberate plan to MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN SOMEONES LIFE THIS NEXT WEEK! For me that might mean being polite to people on the phone that speak ENGLISH, but not the kind that I speak. One of my biggest frustrations this last week. If we all did ONE THING that would leave people smiling, the world will be a better place.

Oh how I wish I could give a trip to Disney to some lucky blogger. I would love that..that's probably a STRETCH right now, but I can give a DISNEY CARE PACKAGE from our UPCOMING TRIP. AND I WOULD LOVE TOO. EVERY comment for the next week, any post, will go in a drawing for a SPECIAL DISNEY GOODIE BAG. I will pick out some things throughout our trip and bring them home to SHIP TO YOU! (if you win) THIS is our first DISNEY CRUISE and its a trip to celebrate PARKER'S 11th BIRTHDAY. I don't want this little man (tween) to ever wonder for one SECOND how SPECIAL HE IS. There are lots of ways to spend money. I love a pretty home but less to clean is better to me in this stage of my life. I like clothes but MUCH less than I did in the past. I still spend too much on BOOKS and probably a few other things. Funny how your wants and needs change as you age. BUT there is ONE THING I NEVER feel bad about spending money on and that's GRANDPARENT TRAVEL. Nothing is more important to me than making memories with the family....AKA the LITTLES! In our case, PARKER has been the biggest recipient of that, as he was the first and only grandchild for 7 years. And then even when he wasn't the ONLY, he was the ONLY one old enough to TRAVEL without his parents...Let's just say he has traveled. He has a phenomonal memory. When people say he will never remember our trips, I just laugh. He remembers the hotel we stayed in at DISNEYLAND when he was 4. He probably knows the room number. We toured NEW YORK CITY for a week when he was 7 and he can still tell me every detail. So no one will ever convince me kids don't remember TRIPS. Just in case you would ever get the impression that we are super wealthy, we are just two people that have always worked hard, been blessed in some other ways, and want to use every dime we have on MAKING MEMORIES. Not sure why I felt it necessary to make that disclaimer, but what I said at the beginning is really true. I would love nothing more than to make a DISNEY TRIP available for everyone. (I did the best I could by giving you a name of someone that will get you the VERY best price). It really is the HAPPIEST PLACE on EARTH and it really is MAGICAL!
OK for some random....think
I am becoming the RANDOM QUEEN.
Amanda sent me this cute picture from last night...She found both Parker and Jack in Jack's bed and they told her it was "THE BROTHERS CLUB"! I don't think I have to tell you those boys OWN my HEART.

Below is the newest member of our family. My sisters sons son. It would take far too many of my brain cells to think how that should be written. Where all the s's go. Is he a doll? His Mom and Dad had dreamed of him for a long time. He is a little answer to prayer...and I think he is a really cute answer. They do not live near me so I have not been able to get my hands on him, but I am hoping for the day soon. Remember I am a total NUT when it comes to BABIES. I had the hardest time picking a picture of him, as everyone was so, so cute. His Dad is not bad and his Mom is simply gorgeous, so I don't think he had a chance to be anything but CUTE! MEET WILLIAM!
I probably won't be posting a lot for a few weeks as I have a long TO DO list. School plays and programs, dental work (ugh) and getting TRIP READY. According to my husband that means everything but the refrigerator. Thank goodness he is SUCH a good sport. On the comment section of this post, I would love to know your favorite vacation spot.


Gosfam said...

You are a great Grandma. That is great to treat your grandkids to special trips. That is all so exciting!! They definitely will remember the moments shared with you if not all the details too. Good Luck with all the travel plans and your upcoming week. William is a doll what a cute baby.

Courtney said...

My favorite vacation spot is Disney. I am saving my pennies, so I can take Logan there someday. The picture of William is just precious. Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

you had me at "Disney".

lol. I love minnie mouse!

Leah said...

Disney sounds so wonderful --- I'm saving your "contact recommendations" just in case! My favorite vacation spot, at this time, is Medora, ND. In the past almost several times we took our horses on vacation.... Little addition, William, is sure a cutie... said...

Being a grandma through your eyes is wonderful since I'm not once except for my granddoggy, Sofie.

You're all going to have such a great time. I've heard good things about the Disney cruises.

Congrats on having a new great nephew. He really is a doll.

Take some time to rest too!

Love Being A Nonny said...


I love Disney too and I can't WAIT until my Littles are old enough for us to all go!!! Have a great trip. Your *littles* are so blessed!

SusanD said...

Such great memories you are making. That William has the sweetest newborn face I've ever seen. So precious. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, SusanD

Caroline said...

I will probably never be able to go to Disney, but I would love too!! Good on you for making memoirs instead of just stuff/clutter.William is a cutie

Love the Decor! said...

oh my goodness what a cutie pie!!
You do have some busy days ahead!
One of my favorite places we have ever been is a cruise that included Grand Cayman. I love it there!!

the Spocks said...

Our fave vacation spot is Disney we have been twice since we have been married. We would love to be able to take our daughter there but it is not cards right now.

She loves Mickey and Minnie, she will carry one in both arms. The bigger ones that almost as big as her. She knows Mickey quite well.

Have fun on your vacation!!! You will so enjoy it!!

Grami's girls said...

I loved Disney World. My girlfriend and I went for our 40th birthdays, no husbands or children. We either ate it, bought it, or rode it!! I can't wait to take my grandchildren!! I want to hear all the details of your cruise!!

Mandy from Burkett Blessings said...

I think the way you spend your money on making memories with your family is WONDERFUL!!! That is EXACTLY the way my parents are! We have been treated to fabulous trips with them and each one has been a precious memory for my children. And I appreciate what you said about "not being wealthy". My parents aren't either. They are just blessed and choose to share their blessings with us.... I pray I can be just like them when I'm their age... so self-less and self-sacrificing.

I hope you have a wonderful trip! :-) Oh, and yes.. he is adorable!!!!!

Grandma Cyndi said...

Making memories is the perfect way to spend what you feel you can. I determined at 50 that we spend the first half of our life acculating things and the second half getting rid of them. My 85 year mother worries all the time about what will we do with all her stuff. I hope to not have that same mind set as I get older. Sounds like a busy week or two ahead. Enjoy the trip.

Bacardi Mama said...

Definitely Disney, closely followed by the Smokey Mountains.

West Side of Straight said...

My favorite vacations have been to the Minn State Fair as we go yearly. We show livestock, and our kids and Grand kids there too, and since they've been little we walk the fairgrounds and eat the special things, shop, and do silly things. Especially was fun when this grandma would break away with just kids. I'll need to post about those times sometime soon!

Tammy said...

My absolute favorite trip was the Disney Cruise 2 years ago! ...and Castaway Cay was my favorite destination...we spent all day in the teal blue warm water...and loved the BBQ lunch!

Oh how I wish I could sneak on the cruise with you!

2003beachbunch said...

I can't wait until my kids are old enough to do to Disney! I loved it so I want to share it with them too! Hope y'all have a wonderful cruise!

Theresa said...

Love it... sounds like such a wonderful trip, take me too:) Have a blessed day my friend! HUGS!

Just call me "B" said...

You are so great!!! I bet this is going to be a fantastic trip! I'd love to win....for our next one :)

Tiffany said...

You are going to have such a wonderful time on your trip! I wish you the best of luck preparing in the upcoming weeks. Enjoy all the concerts and springtime events. I look forward to hearing all about your trip when you get back! I love vacationing anywhere in the mountains!

Kaypt said...

I agree with you about the grandparent/grandchild trips. I have friends who think I am crazy. We went to WDW last summer and it was WONDERFUL. As much as I would love to go back, I also want me and the boys to see as much of the world as possible. My all time favorite? New York City (today at least).

ethelmaepotter! said...

OOH, OOH, OOH! Pick me, pick me!

I'm an absolute Disneyworld NUT. I love everything about it - Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Animal Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, the resorts, the water parks. The details are phenomenal, and all the employees are so friendly and helpful. It truly is the Happiest Place on Earth!

William is such a cutie, and the picture you chose is PERFECT.

I always try to do something to make a difference, EVERY DAY. Whether it's paying a stranger or friend a compliment or taking a grocery cart back for a woman loading her bags into her car. Little things like that cost me nothing, and leave both me and the recipient a little happier.

Have a great time on your cruise!

Country Girl said...

I think it's wonderful that you are so close to your family. My son was the first grandchild in my husband's family and will always and forever hold a special place in his grandmother's heart. And when they were very young, my children and I got to go on a once-in-a-lifetime Disney vacation with the grandparents. I would love to win your package, Teresa.

Kimberley said...

William sure is a cutie!
I think it is so great that you take your grandchildren on special trips, they will remember that forever! My favorite vacation is to the lake, hanging out at the cabin, swimming at the beach, water skiing, and golfing! Fun and relaxing!

Mocha with Linda said...

There's no place like Disney!

That baby is the cutest thing ever! Those big eyes and those blump cheeks and that little mouth - oh so kissable!

The Tablescaper said...

Thanks for your visit and kind comments. It sounds like you have a wonderful trip planned!

- The Tablescaper

1 Funky Woman said...

Thanks for stopping over to my blog and leaving a comment. I am so glad you find this just as important and have told your children. I was unsure of doing my rant about this subject, but it was responses like yours that solidified my doing it was a good decision.

On to you, I love your post and how much you love the grandkids. I'll bet you are a fantastic grammy. Can we adopt you for our children? My mother passed away and I think she would have been just like you if she were with us! Have a great trip, your grandson is so lucky!

I love Hawaii! We have been there twice!

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Oh my goodness Sweet Willaim is adorable.. would love to give him a big ole hug and a kiss...
Favorite vacation spot... darling we've only taken 2 in 31 years of marriage.. so really can't say.. Both were great.. one to New Orleans and one to the Bahamas when Mr. P's granddaughter got married 5 years ago. I would love to go to either place again..
Thank you for always coming by with wonderful words of support. They mean the world. They always seem to wrap themselves around me and put a smile on my face....
hugs ~lynne~

Terra said...

Oh, you are blessed with such sweet grandchildren, and they in turn are blessed with their dear grammy, I can hear the love shouting out in each word of your post.

Diana Ferguson said...

Hello, William!!!

Great post and so much fun.......

Skoots1moM said...

hope you have a GREAT trip

Charity said...

Thanks for letting me stop by. Have fun at Disneyland! My favorite vacation spot is beautiful British Columbia. Camping, swimming, hiking! said...

William is amazing (that is my boy's name too)

so very sweet.

Vancouver island!

Family of Four said...

Oh I hope y'all have a great time. I would love to take my girls on a Disney Cruise and to Disney World. They just turned 1 so I guess I will wait until they are older so they can have fun too. ha!

Margo said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog! What a great blog you have!

I love to go to San Diego/Los Angeles in the summer time because it is so hot in Phoenix in the summer!

Very nice giveaway, hope you have a fun trip!

Margo at

Lisa Smith said...

Oh how I'll pray for your trip!!! My own little family was about to spend 1 day at the Magic Kingdom last summer... it was a dream!! How I would love to spend a whole week there or even two! Let us know all about the cruise!!

Have a wonderful time!
love, lisa xoxo

Amanda M. said...

Oh I am pretty sure there are not many better ways to spend your money than grandparent travel. Probably like one of the BEST ways EVER! :)

Sarah Broadus said...

Thanks for stopping by the Broadus Bunch! We love hearing from Grammys!

Following you now! Can't wait to hear more about the precious babies!

Lindsey said...

Have fun on your trip!!

Anonymous said...

Ah....there's no better place to make memories with your family than on a Disney trip!!!

Thanks for the fun giveaway!

Have a wonderful time on your Disney is definitely THE BEST!!!!

Robin said...

First off...I LOVE Grandmas :o) And it sounds like your grandkids have one of the best! (And that little William is so very adorable!) We go 3 places for family vacations, we used to go to Georgia (to see grandparents) Wisconsin (to see grandparents) and my Mom lives nearby and we take small trips now and then with her that I treasure, such as taking a train in toward Chicago just to walk to an ice cream shop. Have a great trip!

Lauri said...

Wow your grandchildren are sooo adorable. It is great that you can take your grandchild on vacations. My son gets to go with his grandparents once a year too & now since my daughtersi are a little older, they got to go a couple of weeks ago to Gatlingburg with their grandparents. They had so much fun.
Thanks for the kind remarks and for visiting my blog. I love your background on your blogs. Sooo pretty.

Constance said...

Wow! You are incredible! I just found your blog and I love it. I know I wouldn't be who I am today if it wasn't for my mom and my Mimi (her mom). And now I am so fortunate to have my mom watch my daughter (she just turned one on Friday). This is such a cool giveaway and we are trying to plan a trip to Disney or the Disney cruise. My two best friends and I all have been in the adoption process for a few years now and once we all have babies we are going on a trip to celebrate! Two of us have babies (mine-1 year old, and Kathy-one month old, and we are waiting for Becky to be placed)!! It has been such an emotional rollercoaster and we all agreed that this would be the best place to take our children and celebrate. Well have a fantastic trip and I can't wait to read more about your family and the trip!!

Cluttered Brain said...

WOW! You are going on a Disney cruise?
Wow. I hope you have fun!! Sounds like a blast!! i'm stopping by cause you stopped by my blog last week..
have a great week!

Jessa said...

hello! your disney give-a-way sounds fantastic - my Dad loved walt disney - his life motto was "if you can dream it, you can do it!" (from walt disney himself).

my favorite vacation spot is Kiawah Island, SC. i went there every summer as a child - i have so many memories of bike riding, eating ice cream, and reading books at the beach!

you sound like an amazing grandma!

Decor To Adore said...

Oh sweet William just made my rocking arms ache. :)

Happy Birthday dear Parker!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

The boys and their 'Boy's Club' is just precious girl. Congratulation on Master William, he's a real cutie. Babies are such a blessing. Have a great time on your trip, I'm so excited for you.

We rarely get away that we aren't working on a parents home or health-care needs so anytime spent away alone with Hubby is a faved vacation for me. It's hard to get away from the Ponderosa, for some reason the animals think they need to eat every day.

God bless and I can't wait to hear about all your cruise adventures.

Janell said...

I am a Disney crazed fan too! We are going in 26 days, not that we are counting or anything! Our youngest daughter just graduated from high school last Saturday so this is her senior trip with the family. We have had a foster baby for 16 months and she is supposed to go back to her mother soon, but we are hoping she will get to go with us to Disneyworld!

Shell said...

What a precious baby!

And have fun on your Disney cruise! I'm hoping you will give us a full report. We really want to take our boys some day.

Hopefully, some time in the next few years, while they still get excited and love Disney characters. :)

Shannon said...

Hi! I haven't been to Disney in years! I actually don't even remember it because I was so small. :) My favorite vacation spot is Destin, FL. I love the beach!

Beansieleigh said...

Hi Teresa! I am afraid I haven't done a great deal of traveling in my lifetime, thus far... But I guess the most fun trip for me was Disneyland, and the most breathtaking was Niagara Falls! Enjoy your cruise! It sounds wonderful! ~tina

Unknown said...

I FOLLOW YOU TOO, if that counts as another entry.. whoo hoo! jENN

Unknown said...

Hi Teresa~

Thanks for your visit. I understand its hard to get around to every blog. Thanks for commenting though. I would LOVE TO be entered into this contest, my children would squeel if I won Disney stuff. What a great trip to be taking. ENTER ME PLEASE.

Erin W said...

How fun! Thanks for the comment today. I'm so happy to have found your blog. It's GREAT! That little William is an absolute doll.... precious!
As for Disney, I have never been but it's on our Bucket list. Hopefully when Kyah is about 4-5. I think that age would be wonderful!
Thanks again for finding me. Looking forward to following along!

Messy Mommy said...

We went on a Disney cruise when I was in high school and it was the best vacation ever! Castaway Cay was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!