to get me some meds and get Jack a phone charger. THAT'S RIGHT, he WANTS HIS PHONE and in maybe another day, you can CALL him and NOTHING WOULD MAKE HIM HAPPIER.
We have gotten a much too fast paced course in STROKE. I could have lived all my life without knowing the details. Part of me is AFRAID to post the highs as we have been told this is a roller coaster ride and we could take some giant dips when we least expect it. That’s not negative talk, just stroke talk. Next point, I HATE roller coasters and always have.(remember I like control)
insert..this has nothing to do with anyone but Marcy, but after 5 days I have clean hair. That will be an inside joke to a few. I had done little more that look at my hair for almost 5 days and I will tell you it got bigger and uglier by the day.
Jack had a good day yesterday…got moved to the regular floor late in the day, the tubes out with the exception of the pic line. THAT’S a HUGE PLUS. He is speaking much better, really almost normal.
He has cracked a few jokes, he took 2 or 3 steps, he can feed himself, he read USA today, he got real pajamas pants, he smiled, but according to him this is a conspiracy theory and he did not have a STROKE. To all who know him well, you get this. Saying all that, today may be totally different. I am certainly not saying he is normal. But if you knew how far we have come in 48 hours, when he was merely hours from death you would understand. Thus the scare to post!
Overwhelmed with all the love that has been sent to us, that by itself makes me cry every time. Thank you. Thank you. I pray there will be a day I can return the gift. But please do not stop praying. Your words are our lifeline to the real world.
Jan Allison, never in a million years will you know how much your visit meant yesterday. Laughter is medicine and that's a fact. You are beautiful inside and out and tell your Dad I don’t even mind contributing to your wardrobe.
If you are a tree customer, do not WORRY. We will be there and I am hoping to get an email out later today..(really Terri will)..Terri, you researching all the rehabs, getting all the details, getting the paper work going, and a million other details…the ultimate definition of a friend.
Today I got up knowing that somehow I will see the little's this week. How I need some HUGS.
OK specific prayer request for today because you have ask.
1. stable blood pressure and all other important numbers for Jack and for those working with him to encourage us.
2. a renewed physical energy for me and Amanda.
3. that we get the same doctor we had yesterday. She had a smile that would change the world. (plus Tammy she needs help planning a visit to the Mouse)
4. that breathing for us becomes a bit easier and we can just RELAX for 30 seconds.
Sending my love to everyone of you. Amanda just told me to GET DRESSED.
ROGER, you are my hero. Somehow God knew ever how many years ago when you and Jack met in HS, that there would be this day when we needed you.
no time to proof. Terri if you see any horrible typos, correct them.
by the way that last post about followers really was a know I think the following this is CRAZY and as much as I love you if you want to, that is the least of the reasons I BLOG

Hang in there sweet friend!! ~Praying still~
Hope today is an even better day, but like you say, you're probably on a roller coaster. Jack may not want to agree that he had a stroke but he certainly had a circling the drain event, but he's had a couple of them before so he knows he'll make it.
I have had y'all on my mind so much these past few days. We continue to pray for Jack, you and the whole family. You are loved by so many and loved by me. Continue to keep leaning into the Lord.
The part you write about not having time to "proof" the text struck me as being quite profound. It's so like the roller coaster you're riding, literally. No time to assess, edit, correct, backup or back down.
I pray the best is yet to come, and that peace is it's frame.
Praying for a GREAT day today: Good numbers for Jack and rest for you. Life is tough but God is faithful. Hang in there, Girlfriend!
Dear friend, I prayed for Jack and for you right away when I read this post, for healing and strength. God is sending you such caring people in this time of crisis. I hope for wonderful results for Jack.
"Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers." 3 John 2
So thrilled to hear the good news about your husband. Prayers will keep coming your way. After dealing with strokes in our family, the news that he has taken steps and is talking and feeding himself this quickly is truly wonderful.
Encouraging update! I love the part about him wanting his phone... still praying.
All I can say is hang in there!
Still praying way over here on the East Coast : ) Praying God does far more than you can ask or imagine in healing your hubs.
I hate roller coasters too.
I think this post is a testament to the power of prayer. I'll keep praying over here.
Oh the news is beginning to sound hopefully. I hope it continues. I will contine to pray for all of you.
Still praying Teresa. It was great reading the "good" news you posted today. I will pray today will be that much better! xoxo
Praise God for the improvements. Continuing to pray. Thank you for the specifics. I laid awake last night for about 30 minutes just praying for him. God is great! You guys are in my constant thoughts. Here's to a much better day with even more to follow!
Glad to hear the improvements, in health, humor and clean hair.
Keeping you all in thoughts and prayers.
Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady
Praising God after reading this post!!! The fact that he's asking for his phone, talking, taking a few steps, etc. are all prayers answered. I know he has a long way to go, but WOW! Keep us updated when you can. Just know we're all praying hard and keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers.
Take care of YOU.
Hugs and much love,
I love you sweet Teresa. Jack, you and your entire family have been in my thoughts and prayers. This is such good news to hear. Prayers are going up and he is certainly being blessed. Praise the Lord!
Big hugs and peace to all of you my friend.
It's in times like these that you realize just how many people care and love you:-) My prayers continue and I so wish I could be there to help in any way I could. I can understand how terribly scared you are but for now just take it one day at a time and know that you are not alone. Sending big hugs. xoxox
Keep on keepin' on! We are all praying! Sounds like to me the prayer wheels are turning all over the world! Have a restful evening and give us an update when you can!
HUGS and continued prayers!
Oh Praise the Lord for Jack's progress!!! I will not quit praying until he is well!!!
Oh I am just so happy & hopeful for Jack & all of you! You are all in my thoughts and in my prayers, stay strong, get some rest if you can! Prayers, love & hugs coming your way!!!!
Praising the Lord for the improvements and praying that God will continue to heal Jack and give you both peace during this time.
well this post sounded more encouraging. I am lifting your family up in prayer daily...stay strong can do this. internet hugs to you!!
I'm so happy to hear of the improvement Teresa! Praise the Lord for so many answered prayers. I pray that you and Amanda (and the rest of the family at home)get a good restful nights sleep.
Love and prayers...Tracy :)
praying, praying, praying!!
HI Teresa,
What a joy to read your wonderful positive hopeful news today. Jack is so strong and obviously he is working his way and healing and fighting and getting stronger because of one special lady in his life! Well there are some other special sons and daughters and of course "littles" he's needing, but it sounds like he needs you as much as you need him. Praise God and Hallelujah! What a horrible ride you have been on for your emotional sanity. You have kept the faith and continue to and God is walking right there with you. Lean on him...don't do this by yourself. So happy to hear your days look brighter. Take one day at a time! Praying for you and your sweet ROCK of a daughter Amanda. Get some rest and continued prayers to all of you.
I pray you'll be taken surprise by the grace and mercy of God and his healing powers over your husband. I know because my mom had a stroke when I was 14, that's it's a hard row to hoe, but with faith in God, He will take care of you, strengthen you and uphold you! Trust in Him!
Praying for your family.
Praying for you and Jack! Love the up's you're experiencing today!
Hugs from CA Connie!
So glad for this update ~ things do seem to be improving everyday and I am praying that the continue to do so.
Praying for you and your sweet family! Much bloggy love and prayers for you!
Hi Teresa,
I just popped over from Connie's blog. I am sorry to hear about your husband.
I too have a hubby in the hospital: 29 days now.
He is scheduled for surgery in a few hours.
I will be praying for you and your family as I wait in the waiting room during surgery.
I believe God is good and He will meet all your needs!!!
Praying all of your posts are of good report as your hubby heals and prepares to venture home:)
Blessings, Cindy
I continue to keep you in my prayers and I have you on my prayer list at church!! I think the more we have praying the better off you all will be!! I think of you often through out the day and send up little prayers right then! I know that this has been a huge blow in your life but as my dadddy use to tell me "Things in life that are thrown at you and will make you stronger in the end!!"
Wish there was more I could do but know our prayers and thoughts are with you!
Hugs and Love from Georgia!!
Cindy Lou
AMEN for things improving!
So glad there has been improvement. I am praising the Lord and thanking Him for hearing all of our prayers for Jack...and for you and the family.
Looking forward to more good news each day!
Try not to fear Teresa. I know what ya mean about the roller coaster thing...but we will all keep praying.
Love, Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
Oh, Teresa, I understand so much of what you are going through!!! When my brother had his brain hemorrhage, he was in ICU for three weeks. We hardly left his side.
Those days and nights sitting in chairs, trying to take little catnaps, constantly dealing with the beeps and alarms on the machines, dealing with various docs/interns/residents/nurses/aides, forgetting to eat, exhausted but can't sleep...the list goes on and wears you out!
You're exhausted...physically and emotionally. Try to rest when you can. If you can leave the hospital for meals, do it. If not, at least leave the floor. It helps to have a little break.
I'm praying, dear one. Wish I could give you a big hug!
Love you...
So thankful for the encouraging news. I know all to well the highs and lows and completely understand your words. I'm just so grateful for the moments you are being given with your dear husband and friend when you came so close to losing him. My sweet friend I think of you all throughout the day and just wanted to say Praise God He is allowing Jack to show himself in the midst of such a tragic event.
Hopeful you get some time with the "littles" because I know how very important that is to you. Take care. Trish Adams
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