I HOPE you will HOP over to my
HOLIDAY BLOG for a visit and see our FUN FILLED week with a few pictures of some cute kids! Our kids and their kids.
NEXT week I will be back doing most of my posting on GRAMMY GIRLFRIEND..aka Teresa's Treasures. What treasures I have in family and friends and NOW I can say BLOGGERS. THIS has been such a fun year entering the world of BLOGGING!
Now I have my good friends and elves,
TERRI and ELIZABETH both blogging..so stop by and see them.
This time last year, starting a blog was just a whim, just a thought, just a desire and look what happened! 104 posts later, then 70 plus posts on my Holiday blog and I am HOOKED. It is still mind boggling to me. As I have said before, I am not a great writer, I post crummy pictures, so it has to be my CUTE GRANDKIDS and maybe the fact that I know a little about tree decorating.
We are vacationing in January. I am looking forward to some downtime. It just happens to fall at the same time as the Beth Moore Siesta event and I so hate to miss it. Houston is just a few hours from me, but these were the dates we could coordinate vacations and condos and it is Jack's last week to fly FREE. For a change we are taking the family to Vail, a COLD VACATION. Mickey will come later in the year. We would never want the MOUSE to think we were slighting him.
THEN FEBRUARY will be my one year BLOG ANNIVERSARY! I have GIFTS, GIFTS and MORE GIFTS planned. I want to CELEBRATE YOU, MY NEW FRIENDS. I want all the lurkers to come out and identify themselves. Several have done that recently and I am so happy to get to know you. The next couple of weeks I am planning to STAY home! I hate after Christmas sales...I hate RETURNS! The stores have little appeal to me in January. I want to sit in front of the fireplace and catch up on lots of blog reading, read a few books, watch a few TIVOED shows, do a little computer work (as in learn a new computer that sits in the box), mostly stay in pajamas, watch a LOT of football, play with some little guys and all their new toys, pack for vacation, maybe play some cards with the girls (something I get to do almost NEVER during tree season), frame lots of snapshots from the holidays....and see some movies with MY MAN. We did see BROTHERS last week. One word..INTENSE!
Then I racked up at Christmas and received TWO FULL SPA DAYS that I plan to use SOON, plus another spa day in VAIL. Those are my favorite gifts...ALWAYS. ALWAYS..ALWAYS!!
One day next week I am going to share with you some of my VERY favorite blogs and bloggers and why I love them. They are really the reason I finally took the plunge. I wanted to know them. If you have a special blog that really got you started or really speaks to you, please share it with me.
Seems like we should start the new year with at least one prize. I have some BEAUTIFUL CALENDARS in my shop that we used in holiday baskets. I would love to mail ONE to YOU along with a few other things that will help you get organized for the new year. I will keep the comments open through Monday night....just leave me a comment letting me know what drew you to my blog and what kept you here. IF you are a first time commenter or lurker, your name will be added twice. You know I hate one winner, so let's make it two or maybe three. I am looking forward to catching up on YOUR blogs.