Let me preface it by saying I watch a LOT of news, read far too much, and love people’s stories.
9-11 left deep marks on me. I knew no one personally, but today feel like I know so many.
I bought every book I could get my hands on, read every story, sat in a trance for a week as they dug for the dead…
I can still remember sitting on the couch, what I had on, holding Parker as a baby, as the second plane hit.
I don’t think I dressed for a week. America as I had known it, would not be the same America for Parker and my little’s to come.
So that’s part of my somber feelings this week, but another is that I know so many hurting people.
Deep hurts, fears, scares, grief, overwhelming stress that seems insurmountable. I have been there.
Yesterday I was telling Amanda about a little girl that had an asthma attack on Sunday, coded and was eventually flown here to LSU hospital and is now on a vent.
Just a normal day, an asthma attack and now a critically ill child. She is the granddaughter of an old friend of mine.
Amanda hates for me to tell her stories about sick kids. Not because she does not care, she just does not want to hear stories about sick kids..EVER.
Me, on the other hand wants to know every detail, ask everyone I know to pray, send 100 cards, and try to connect with that person.
I have no idea why some stories grip me more than others.
I do know that I have had two critically sick grandchildren, I have had a pregnant teenage daughter, I have had a son that years ago went through a horrible divorce, I have had a husband that was not expected to live through the night, and I lost both my parents within 3 months.
I remember every person that said they were praying, or called or in some way said “ I care”!
Here is the place I can get lost.
How do you balance saying “I care” and “I will pray” and then not think about them night and day and pile burdens on top of burdens?
I get that prayer is the best gift you can give someone, but I want to physically do something.
This was just last week…I was thinking how I could get the addresses of all the families of the Navy Seals killed and send them a note. I don’t know how I can but I thought about it for several days.
A long time ago I was in this seemingly cycle of always thinking about who I had forgotten to encourage.
That’s where the card thing comes in for me…Every night and I mean every night…I sit down with cards, addresses and stamps and ask God to bring to mind everyone that needs an encouraging word…at least the ones I am suppose to encourage…
In 15 minutes I sign all those cards and put them in a place that Jack picks them up and puts them in the mailbox as he goes out to get the paper in the morning. It's as natural as brushing my teeth.
If Jack is not home, you will find me at 2 AM at the mailbox to make sure the cards are there.
Please don’t take this as a star in my crown…It is the only way I can go to sleep.
I will not tell you how many times I have said to someone that I would be praying and promptly forgot that need as quickly as the words slipped out of my mouth.
I was watching the news this morning and they were interviewing 9-11 families ten years later. I thought “I know them”…
I know their stories..I have followed their families..
I don’t want their loved one to ever just be a number. It was a normal go to work day for their loved ones..
Probably half of them had dinner plans and in an instant, life was over.
Orphans were everywhere.
I won’t even go near how I feel about the firefighters and rescue workers.
Hero is not a strong enough word.
By the time you have gotten this far you are probably convinced I am a nut.
So here’s what I need from you …
How do you become someone with skin to the hurting, the dying, the suffering people in your circle? (Please don’t suggest taking a meal…I cook NONE)Ha
Also, tell me where you were when the planes hit that horrible September day.
One a lighter note…since that was a tad heavy but just been on my mind all day…
Pinterest…(Remember I have an addictive personality)
(full boards) I know a bit over the top..but it’s going to help us in tree decorating this year, plus I have had a blast doing it. You are welcome to repin anything. You can find me at Teresa Powell.
Neiman Marcus has nothing on me in the catalog department.
I have a challenge for you which really stems from Mike’s post.
Find one 9-11 family or one military family, or one rescue worker and say thank you…through a card, a meal, a phone call..however you do it.
In our area that’s really easy now as our fireman are fighting fires day and night…and they are tired.
This is my 300th post on Grammy Girlfriend in 2 and a half years…and I think 125 on the holiday blog…
I will never be an everyday blogger..But I must celebrate the 300 posts since I thought I would only write one.
Leave a comment, leave as many comments as you want…and Sunday night I will draw for a great care package…I am not even going to tell you what will be in it..I have stuff coming from market everyday, so it will just be a menagerie of good stuff. Thank you for being my blog buddy.