Thursday, March 12, 2009


Greg and Dana on our Disney trip

A rare day to take a nap

Many words describe him. One word defines him and that is generous.

Greg is 35 and I have no idea how that could be.

I still feel far too young to have a boy that age. Actually it really creeps me out for him to say his age, meaning his Mom must be ancient. This is where long term memory surfaces and I am reminded that my short term is not all that great. I can vividly remember the day I found out I was pregnant with him. I can remember every detail of the day he was born, down to the people that visited me....I remember the total joy of a little guy that started us on the road (though sometimes long and and hard)of parenthood, or at least the easy part.

Kids grow up and Kids make you proud and he has done both well. I am in awe of the wonderful man he has become. Thank you Lord. So many things make me proud of him. He is a wonderful husband ...his wife would say "the best". He is an awesome step-dad (you would never ever know Austin is not his biological child). And just to make sure you don't think we live in a perfect family, he went through a divorce 7 years ago that was devastating to him. For the past 5 years he has been married to the Right person. Another thank you Lord. He is the ultimate brother and his name is next to UNCLE in the dictionary. That is another post when I introduce you to my daughter. (next post)
He is the hardest worker. I love a good work ethic and in this day and time, I see so many kids that do not have it. He has been in the car business for the past 15 years, moving up the ladder, working 80 hour weeks many weeks. I would call him a workaholic, except that he does it all so he can bless others.

He just loves to GIVE. He has a soft heart and would give anyone the shirt off his back. I fear that at times his generosity has been to a fault...but I think he has learned a few good life lessons. And how can you not be proud of a generous son?

He was born to be a Dad....he has so many of the same traits as my husband. That dream is coming true when he and Dana welcome a new little boy in June. The grin on his face has not gone away since the day he found out she was pregnant.
So that's my boy and no Mom could be prouder. It is a great place in life, when you would choose your kids as friends even if they were not your child. Next post will be "My Girl" and that is a God Story!