Just three months ago, we had no idea how it would end. Tonight we sat around a table at Dana and Greg’s, had dinner, fireworks and played cards I am sure each one of was thinking that we could be in a very different place.
In the next few days I will post my last Christmas pictures of 2010 of the little's and some from tonight. Grayson and Jack are so cute together.
Be sure and stop by my holiday blog. My number one ELF, Terri from Ninny’s Notes did a guest post for me on getting ready for NEXT HOLIDAY SEASON. It really does begin with how you pack up this year. We will be taking down trees this next week and then in another month or so we will probably take our own down. It’s hard to believe that Christmas has come and gone. Seems like yesterday that I was driving home from Dallas, two weeks away from tree season, having no clue how I was going to be able to get all the houses decorated. We DID and that is nothing short of a MIRACLE, but the biggest MIRACLE of all is that JACK was sitting at that table tonight, holding his cards and with the exception of a swollen left hand and some pain in his shoulder, he is OK.
If you missed this post, READ IT.
No one says it like Beth. I cannot tell you how many times she writes and I wonder if she has been following me around. Maybe its just that we all have the same struggles, the same fears and the same desires. No one can use words quite like she can.
Please keep praying for little Ashley.
You can check out her blog to read all that happened this week. Life is hard for this family right now. Hard decisions that I cannot imagine making. No easy answers.
As we begin 2011, I am so thankful for all my blog friends. You have made my life richer. I am not good at resolutions. This year I think it will just be monthly goals. I think we all pretty much have the same ones. Eat healthier, exercise more! Though those are certainly things that are on my list, I want my list to start with be kinder, judge less, say I’m sorry more often (that one is for you Micah), give more, want less, compliment more, speak gratitude more often, fear less, play more, worry less, make everyday COUNT!
I just want to be a BETTER ME.
Happy New Year.