Some of you may be getting very tired of "grandparent stories", so for one post I will change gears. I have had so much response on what I do for a living through email and the blog.....Holiday Decorating....I have done this for 16 years, so I have experienced every problem possible.
I think I will open this post up for questions about the subject, also let you tell me what you would be interested in as I approach the season. In about a month I will begin the "getting ready" stage.....and with the weather 105 degrees, that is a bit depressing. As in walk in Hobby Lobby, I want to SCREAM!
I will be glad to give you tips and illustrations of my work and even give you some ideas of how you can have a NEW LOOK. Every year, there seems to be something special that is "in"!
I oversee every job, but as my age becomes a larger number every year, I let the younger girls climb the 12 foot ladders...
So ask away and I will try and answer any questions you have.
Style Showcase 276
21 hours ago