This has been such a sad week BUT I promise a FUNNY post on MONDAY...I started to post it tonight but need to get some pictures together. This picture just makes me smile. Jack had begged Amanda to sleep with Parker and looks like he WON.
I have had zero energy this week and not wanted to do ANYTHING. Have I mentioned that HEAT and TERESA are not friends. Today my husband and I decided to brave the heat and make a day trip... as in shopping...that would be me shopping and him reading a book. We had a great meal at Red Lobster and then went to Sam's and bought some new Christmas ribbon.......and I came out of Sam's with a new laptop....I just have an addiction...Then I shopped at Dressin Gaudy and bought some cute shoes. Then we headed to Target where I bought some Christmas gifts....for the little's....and a buggy full of STUFF....NEVER HURTS to be ahead.
Then I dropped by the Christian Bookstore, MARDELS and came out with some books. I think I just needed to get away and breath, even if it was HOT AIR.
Now we are back home watching football and getting ready to see my favorite FOOTBALL MAN tomorrow night...I know some of you really don't like Brett, or really do not care about football, but when you are from a football family and you love a certain player for whatever reason, you live for the games....I will do my best not to talk about him TOO much...
Tomorrow is Will's Mom, Tyree's birthday. When you think of her please ask God to comfort her. Her heart is broken and her family is missing a member.
IF you won a prize last week, they will go out Monday....I have not forgotten you!
IF you won a prize last week, they will go out Monday....I have not forgotten you!