If you have read my blog for long, you know I am a BIG FOOTBALL FAN, maybe close to an addiction. I love the game...always have, married a football coach and we lived happily ever after!
SO let's have a contest. If you are NOT a fan, then ask your husband, your son, your neighbor or your dog for a TEAM. All you have to do in the comment section is list the team that you think will win the SUPER BOWL!
If you do not read this until after Sunday night, you will have a little advantage as you will know who was knocked out this weekend...The comments will be closed on Friday night the 15th, BUT if you
MAKE YOUR GUESS TODAY, SATURDAY, your name will go in the drawing 5 extra times, if your team wins.
AFTER SUPER BOWL SUNDAY, everyone that chose the winner will go into a drawing for a $100.00 box of goodies...A GOOD PRIZE. If you made your guess TODAY then your name will be in the drawing five extra times if your team WON...But if you don't read this until Sunday or Monday, enter anyway...If your team wins, you are in the drawing too.

SAINTS!!!!!!!!!!! LOL and IF they win I should just win out right for picking them on the down spiral. GREAT contest Thanks so much! WOO HOO WHO DAT!
WOOOHOOO!!!! the Indianapolis COLTS!!!!Peyton Manning!!! WooHoo!!! How fun is this!!! Have a nice weekend Teresa! Hugs, Jennifer
I have to go with the MN Vikings and Brett Favre -- Allen, Peterson and all the boys! Go Vikes! Rah Rah!!
Okay, I gotta admit, I know next to nothing about football. BUT my husband is a BIG fan and he says the COLTS.
So...Go Colts!
(Oh, that sounds so...odd...coming from me!)
I am going to go with the Minnesota Vikings! Go Fighting Favres!!!
My husband says the New orleans Saints. He was torn between them and the Colts.
Oh, I almost forgot...I went to Kirklands and Hobby Lobby Wednesday, and they are both almost completely out of Christmas clearance! One side of one aisle, very sparsely filled at Hobby Lobby (ended up buying NOTHING) and only five little bitty UGLY ornaments at Kirklands. BUT...our Kirklands is CLOSING! (Boohoo) So I'll be making another trip there next week and hopefully, coming home with some bargains!
Let's cheer on the COLTS! Great contest!!
I would have to say the Colts...and not for PM but for Hank Baskett...hehehe. I just love Kendra's show w/ HB!!!!
SAINTS! My husband would be one happy man if they won too!
Thanks Teresa!
Green Bay all the WAY!!! (sorry Bret not this year) My husband drove from Los Angeles to Phoenix last weekend to attend the game wearing his old green bay #4 jersey, so I am torn, but we have been Green Bay fans for years and only this year watching the Vikings, if Green Bay losses tomorrow then we will go Vikings
Okay, it will be the San Diego Chargers, that is my pick!
Okay...you and my sister, who is football obsessed will be ashamed of me, but I should win b/c I don't even know who is playing.
Hugs and prayers, andrea
COLTS!! :)
E.A.G.L.E.S.....Eagles....(1st beat Dallas) :)
I'm lettin' Hubby take this one and he's goin' with the MN Vikings.
As ya'll know I just love a great giveaway! What fun Teresa, thanks.
Have a great weekend and enjoy the game. :o)
Yep, the Colts!
Thank you for the great giveaway! Happy New Year by the way!
Oh Teresa! You KNOW who I will pick!!!
I will be glued to the TV next week-end...
I'm a HUGE Colts fan...so that's my pick. On a side note Kurt Warner is a great quarterback and awesome Chrustian. Maybe he should change teams. ahahahaha Blessings, SusanD
I say the Indianapolis COLTS!! Woo-hoo!
I'm going with the SAINTS =)
Hubby says the Indianapolis COLTS!!!
Colts, please! :)
(PS- Found you via Life in the Fun Lane)
Happy New Year and Playoffs watching!
I know nothing about football. I just asked hubby and his informed response was "I don't know". So...I'm from PA so I'll say Eagles. Come on Eagles don't let me down! How was that? Did I sound like a fan ;)?
COLTS COLTS COLTS COLTS... maybe because I'm from Indy?!
I would choose the Colts! It was a toss up b/w them and the Saints.
Hmmm. I'd love to say Eagles, bc that's my team but they are getting beaten by the Cowboys right now... so Colts. :(
Indianapolis!!! Go Peyton...former TN VOL!
Plus, son number 2's middle name is Manning!!
I'm surely NOT a sports fan of any kind..so I'm boring! I'll ask hubby who he thinks.
Uhhh, I have no idea, I must confess. My fave part of football parties is the food!
But I love San Diego weather and shopping- can I like them best? :)
Happy weekend!
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
January Charmed bracelet giveaway!
Well, I'm from La. so I'll say the Saints! But I'm really not a football fan.......but I do love me some giveaways!! ;D
Hi Teresa! Thanks for visiting my blog, and for your sweet comment! I gotta join your giveaway! Unlike you, I've never enjoyed sports UNTIL I married my hubby and my oldest boy (he's 9 now) started popwarner football... I'm FINALLY learning about the game. I'm San Diego born so I gotta say San Diego Chargers (woot woot)... I'm following ya! Loven your blog.
would love to see Farve go all the way so lets say VIKINGS!!!!!
I'll go with the Colts! Thanks for a great giveaway. Have a nice week. Love & blessings from NC!
What fun! How 'bout them Cowboys? GO DALLAS GO!! :o)
Thank you for the sweet comments. I love the bible verse in your heading, it has always given me comfort.
My guess is the Cowboys. Hope you have a great week.
Ok, just for my own good conscience I have to say I feel like I just betrayed my Cowboys. I'm a Texan through and through, and somehow typed the Colts instead.
I have to be honest and say I'm not a football fan, so I just looked up the team's score rankings and picked the first mascot (horses! I know, I'm such a girl) that I liked best from the top ranked, and because I didn't notice our 'Boys, they were incidentally out of sight - out of mind, and I didn't even realize they are who I have to support for SuperBowl Winner!
(But because they aren't who I put down first, I don't expect to get my vote changed, I just had to put in writing, my actual life-long support for anything of my hometown Dallas area. Thank you :)
Indianapolis COLTS for sure!!
NO Saints!!!!
I don't necessarily know, deep down, that they will win, but I HAVE to cheer for my SAINTS!!! GOoooo Saints!
I know nothing about football, but hubby says the Indianapolis Colts.
Thanks for visiting my blog and telling me about your contest. I see you're a Disney Fan too. Nice to meet you.
Oh how fun! I have to root for our SAINTS all the way! :) Can't wait to see them play next week! :) Thanks!
DA BOYZ! The Cowboys that is. It would be un- Texan not to root for them! But I pull for the Aggies as well and we all see how well that works out;)
My choice is the NY Jets with their awesome quarterback from USC!
BYW, So sad to hear that we are likely losing our wonderful USC coach to the NFL. Still hoping that he stays!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and letting me know about your giveaway!
I will say the Colts!! :O)
My husband says that Minnesota Vikings are going to win the super bowl... If it were my choice I would have the Titans in there =)
thanks for the comment on my blog...so sweet! i am a HUGE Packer fan...so I say 'GO PACK GO'!
Sweet Blessings!
GO Cowboys! If they keep playing like they did tonight they should have a great chance! Even if they didn't play an awesome game tonight I would have still said Go Cowboys because that's my team!
Thanks for dropping by my blog , and giving me a chance in this great giveaway of yours !!
i`m not up on the superbowl myself , but i`ll have a wild guess at the colts ;o)
I'm going to go with the COLTS!
The Texas girl says COWBOYS Baby!
Since Clemson (GO TIGERS) isn't a pro team, I'm going to have to pick the SAINTS. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and telling me about the giveaway. I LOVE GIVEAWAYS! Looking forward to getting to know you and your blog better.
Oh how Fun!!
I have absolutely no idea...but lets go with Green Bay.
The Cowboys!!
Oh, and I thought of YOU when I just put up a new post. I know YOU can relate. I promise! Check it out.
As much as I'd prefer to say the New England Patriots, I think the Colts are taking it this year.
Well, I'm not into professional...but I hope your team wins.
I do like college football.
And just for the record, my team won the national championship Thursday night.
Roll Tide!
Sweet dreams.
I'm going with the Colts!!!
Dallas Cowboys of course! A friend from East Texas, Pam.....I love football too!
Indianapolis! Now that's a fun contest!
Fun idea!!! I'm a Cowboy fan by marriage but through my husband I have become a fan myself as well. So I say Go Cowboys!!!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog :)
Indianapolis for sure. That's a fun contest! I feel the excitement!
We are not football fans in our home but I do know from my dad saying that Indianapolis was playing. So I say the Indy's will win :) I guess that's there name.
I didn't watch the game and have no idea who's ahead or not. :)
The Colts! You know how much I love football. :) I am surprised the Cowboys are doing so good AND the AZ/GB game was soooooo good!!!
We love the Super Bowl...everything about it, we look at it like a holiday. lol
Definitely the Colts! :)
Voting for the Colts!!! :D Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, nice to "meet" you!! Have a great day!
Whisenhunt and Warner, bay-bee!!!
Arizona Cardinals all the way!
Thanks for the FUN and generous giveaway!
Take care.
Well...according to my husband (because I know NOTHING about football), he said I should vote for the Minnesota Vikings! So, that's what I'll do. ;-)
Thanks for letting me know about the contest. Have a great week!
Thanks for the comments on my blog. I generally don't follow football. (I tend to pick my Super Bowl team based on the cuteness of the QB.) That said, I'm going to go with my NY roots and pull for the NY Jets :)
I'd love for the Colts to win since I'm wearing their sweatshirt now! And since I named my blog after them. :)
I have to say the Cowboys as I am thrilled with their year. Kind of woke up a lot of the fans this year and it's fun to actually have a post-season! :)
me too girlie! love football and always sad to see the season end. And i'm just going to go with my heart....my beloved COWBOYS!! If they keep playing the way they have been, it could happen!! GO COWBOYS!!!
I am going to say the Colts. Although Saints winning would thrill my sister.
I'm going to stick with my Cowboys. Blue and Gray all the way.
I too married a football coach and love the sport. Let's go Cowboys!!
Even though we like the Colts, I am going to go with Dallas to win. They seem to be the hottest team right now.
How exciting!!
Being a Louisiana resident I will have to say Saints. Who Dat!
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.
Thanks for being such a great blogging friend.
Oh my boys in blue, white and silver!
Have a great day! I love your blog!
OK, so what a heart breaker the Sun game was for Green Bay, so now put my one entry in fot the Vikings, go Brett!!! PS the pkg arrived today, thanks.
Sorry I am not a football fan but your contest looks amazing..just wanted to come say thank you for visiting me the other day...your blog is lovely!
Did you see that Packers game?! Oh myyyyyyyy.
(p.s. I got my package today - what a beautiful calendar, I love it!! Thank you SO much.)
Saints by all means...Great post girl...May you have a great day...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
I'm no football fan, but I'm a Minnesota fan...
VIKINGS is my guess! (My husband would be so proud of me right now...I'll have to go tell him :)
My husband is a huge Dallas Cowboys fan. He was so stoked that they won the playoff game this past weekend.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Drop by anytime!
I am sure this will be a disappointment to you, but I am not real interested in football. I like that my husband really enjoys it and watches lots of games. It gives me an opportunity to read on the chair beside him while he watches the games. He would like the Arizonia Cardinals to be a top contender because he really likes Curt Warner. Whatever! I like this post and find it totally fascinating how many football and blog friends are out there. Great post! And very generous giveaway, as yours always are.
Hi sweet friend!
Thanks for your comment tonight. I've been such a bad blog friend lately and it makes me feel terrible. But tonight I'm pushing everything else aside and I'm enjoying myself catching up with as many bloggers as I can.
Hugs from the beach!
(thanks so much for the sweet package I got this afternoon...you amaze me with your gift of giving!)
What a fun contest! I'm going Colts!
Ok, I am going to say either the Colts or the Cowboys (just because I'm from Dallas)
I am going to guess and say the Saints, I just like that name.
WOW! There are some football loven bloggers out there!!!
I'll pick the The Patriots....only because I just did an internet search on who the odds makers were picking, and because I had no clue who was actually playing in the game.
Have fun watching the game.
WHO DAT!!!!!
I did not know your husband was a coach! How fun. My husband was Head Track Coach at our school for 17 years---He's a big track guy. My son and d-i-l are both coaches too. We love sports over here! I graduated from LSU and Pistol Pete was my friend---dated one of the guys on the b-ball team---had no idea I was watching sloppy socks sports history in that gym. Fun times. I H.O.P.E. the Saints win tomorrow! I'm from New Orleans and come from the era when we wore paper bags over our heads they were so bad! It would be really neat for the city and fans if they win! Geaux Saints!
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