It was a been a BLAH few days....(with the exception of the Vikings getting the number 2 seed in the NFL on Sunday...for you non- football fans that means nothing...for football lovers..that means my favorite team/player get a bye in the first round of the play-offs and home field advantage in their first playoff the wife of a retired football coach that's my football lesson for the week)! And in the past week I have watched FAR too much football.
Here is the point of the post title since you are probably wondering if I had a random thought and then forgot it. I am taking down all my decorations much earlier than normal this year since we are taking a winter vacation in a few weeks. January has always been a month I fight depression, the blah's, whatever you call it. It is just not a month I love though I love cold weather. I just don't love January. Its the end of football season and that makes me sad. After going FULL SPEED since October decorating homes for the holidays, the slower pace is NICE. I do get more sleep, see more movies, watch more football, and get so much more GRAMMY time...BUT as I dismantle the house, I HATE it...
I HATE a NAKED HOUSE. Since holiday decorating is my business, I tend to continue to decorate my own. So by Christmas, the house is what you would call WINTER WONDERLAND, with a tree in every nook...So the last few days I have taken one section at a time and began putting the snowmen away. And every place I undress not only looks bare, but looks like it needs cleaning and is begging for a new look. I make pictures before I start decorating so I know just where things go back, but for some reason it always looks like less when I put it back. I have so many little white lights everywhere during the holidays, that now that they are leaving, the house is beginning to look dark. Just an illusion, but a look that I dislike...
SO I THINK I NEED TO MAKE A TRIP TO KIRKLAND'S AND T.J MAXX! Maybe pick up a few new nesting things. If any of my friends are reading this they are laughing as I do not need anything. I am a pillow and lamp addict, so maybe a new pillow will put some clothes on the house....because I REALLY HATE a NAKED HOUSE. What about you?
Am I the only person with this problem?
I promised a post on my FAVORITE BLOGS. I think what I am going to do is list a few on each post...When I started compiling a list, it grew and grew.....
So for tonight here are five BLOGS that I LOVE! Stop by and visit them and you will love them too....
Mo JOY....Mo (Melanie) is just fun, artistic and and has two cute girls...
Rhoda at Southern Hospitality. She gives great blogging advice, writes fabulous posts and is a must read for me.
Kristen at Kristen's Creations
She and I do similar jobs and I love looking at the work of others.
Amy at Snoodlings Amy lives in my town and has just lost her Dad to a brain tumor. She is an outstanding writer. I never leave her blog without a nugget of gold. She writes about REAL LIFE and from her writings you know how real she is.
Melissa at Melissa's Heart and Home. She gives great decorating tips and pictures, but I am most drawn to her sincerity and kindness. I think we would be real life friends.
OK...leave me some camera suggestions and tell me about which blogs you visited. I am working on a NEW LOOK and hope to have it for my one year BLOGGING ANNIVERSARY. February will be a month of prizes, fun and celebration!

Thank you for mentioning me Theresa! You are too sweet! I was reading about the month of January...I feel the same way. I have had the blahs the past couple of days too. Nothing to look forward to for a while...spring is still far away, just boring long winter days. Oh well...we will just have to make the best of it I guess! I went shopping at Hobby Lobby today and bought a few things. My house is really naked! I'm hoping to find the rest of my stuff Have a great rest of the week! Kristen
I have the Cannon Powershot Elph. I love it and have never opened the manual. Although I am sure that means that I probably am missing some cool features. Yes, it always a sad couple of days when I take down the decor and nothing looks the way you remember it!
I've been feeling the same way since I took all my Christmas down, so no, you are not alone. I went shopping the past two days and it has helped with the blah winter blues. I can't wait to see what you find at Kirkland's and T.J MAXX.
I love your blog and layout, just wonderful! Your grandsons are absolutely precious!
Hugs and Love,
I usually go into a major funk in January: no more decorations or Christmas music on the radio or Christmas goodies to eat or parties to attend...But this year I'm actually glad to have survived another "first" without my dad and the blues aren't as blue as usual.
To avoid having a complete naked house, I decorate for January with my snowmen and snowflake decorations. It's my compromise with myself to keep me from leaving Christmas lights up year round!
K just bought me a Canon Rebel Tli for Christmas. I don't know how to do anything but shoot in the automatic mode yet but he said he really researched before he bought this one. If you get one too, maybe we could learn it together!
You are too sweet to list my blog as one of your favorites. Thanks for your kind words. Whenever I think of you, I think of you popping into the First Bossier church office when I worked there. You were always a burst of energy and sunshine and I've always admired your creativity and passion for life. I'm glad we've had a chance to reconnect in blogworld!
Oh Teresa...I soooo feel the same way about January. I hate how empty the house feels without the Christmas decorations. It seems so cold and uninviting.I just try to keep focused on cleaning rearranging and shopping...filling in the blanks with a new goodie or two...even though like you I don't need anything;)!!!
To answer your question about my layout...I use Live Writer. I love how easy it is and how you can make your pics any size you like and the ease of word placement.
I don't know if this is the answer you were looking for...if you have any more questions please don't hesitate to ask!!!
I'm almost embarrassed to say mine is still up. Due to the trip to see my parent's my house was decorated eleven day behind schedule and as you well know it takes a lot of work. So I just decided I would enjoy just a little longer. I always leave my snowmen out 'till spring anyway. Yep, this chick hates a naked house too. Besides I put so many dang lights on the tree we can use it as a heating source through this unbearable cold spell were having! Heeeheehe!
Have yourself one terrific day finding new pillows and lamps!
Thank you for stoping by my blog! :) I am really enjoying yours as well! Have a wonderful day!
No help on a camera....I need a new one too! I know you are going to have a blast on your trip!!
I use to hate a naked house. Somehow now my tastes have changed and I love minimizing....but I do need to hit up TJ Max or Homegoods for a few things!!!
Have a wonderful day and vacation with your precious boys!
Adorable picture!
I don't think you are the only one to feel this way after the decorations are all taken down and put away. Everyone's home looks plain like is missing things. Just gives us more time to make plans for what the new year brings and picking up great deals on discounted Christmas items everywhere right now.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
If you are looking for a fancy camera that is professional, check out MckMama's blog She is amazing. I have a little Sony Cyber-shot 12.1 megapixels and love it-very straight forward and easy, great pictures. Get a 4 GB card and you can shoot over 1500 pictures at a time.and video too.
In 1994 I was in need of some female surgery so was slow to finish putting Christmas decorations away. On Jan 19 the "Northridge earthquake" which was really closer to Santa Clarita than Northridge hit and I lost all my Christmas village deoration (along with MANY other things). So now I don't dally putting them safely away for next year. Besides, as my daughter says "The best things in life are not things". Have a sunny day.
You are not alone! Naked...and lonely...that's how it feels after all the Christmas is stored away.
I love whimzie's suggestion of leaving the snowflakes and snowmen out!
I just got a Canon Rebel EOS something...pretty expensive but takes great pictures with no effort at all. It's got all kinds of fancy schmancy buttons and dohickeys on it, but also shoots in full auto mode. I highly recommend it.
I have a Canon Rebel Xsi and I LOVE it! I have not read the manual either!! You can also buy some really awesome lenses that would be great for your work. My Mother in Law does wedding cakes and she uses all of the lenses to get close up shots and it looks awesome. She just bought me a new lense for Christmas that brings your subject out and makes the background a little blurry. I haven't tried it yet but I know it will be fun.
I love the picture..two very handsome young men! :)
By the way..I LOVE Kirklands..I could spend hundreds in there everytime I go! :)
Because I am sick right now I still have Christmas up. I normally leave it up until mid-January anyway but now that I can't do it I want to. Yes it will be empty but that can feel good.
I bought a new camera. I bought one and returned it, thought I wasn't ready for the BIG one. I just upgraded my point & shoot. I like, it is taking wonderful pictures but I still want the BIG one. The one I have heard the best things about is the Canon Rebel, that would be my choice.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving me such a sweet note about my fireplace transformation !! I *so* understand what you're talking about after the holiday decorations are taken down ... it's almost depressing, but then I get excited thinking about giving my home a thorough cleaning and rearranging (and, that's when I get into trouble, too) !! I look forward to seeing your new projects for this year !! Take care, Becca (and, PRECIOUS picture, by the way).
I have my snowmen and my snowflake banner up to brighten it a little. I love my Nikon D40X....if you don't want to fool with reading a manual, you can always just shoot on "auto"
I kind of love a naked house. Not naked really just devoid of holiday clutter. Happy New year to you Theresa:)
I have yet to dismantle my Christmas decorations because....drumroll, please...I HATE A NAKED HOUSE!!! Loved this!!! I can so relate, Teresa!!! Happy shopping, girlfriend!!! ~Janine XO
I know exactly what you are talking about, I go into deep mourning every stinkin' time this time of year! By the time I get 7 trees taken down along with everything else, it is hard to even recognize my own home! Go shopping, it will definitely make you feel a little better. I have already bought two new pieces of furniture and rearranged three rooms!
OK ... you got me with the Vikings fan stuff! I lived in Minneapolis 24 years and my youngest son still lives there. One year when the Vikings were in the Super Bowl I vowed NOT to take down our Christmas Tree until they won ... it would have been never if I had stuck to my vow. Maybe this year? My tree is STILL up. I use a very simple Canon PowerShot A550 camera and it works well. Thank you for finding me and for the comment.
I so agree about the naked house! In fact I still have my decorations up, it will all come down on the weekend. My daughter got me a gift certificate at my favorite home decor place for Christmas so I'm looking forward to shopping! January is usually a blah month for me too but this year I am going to Houston for the LPM celebration, so excited about it!! I will escape the cold for a weekend and meet some blog friends. Have a great vacation!
I know what you mean about the house looking naked!! I am trying to embrace the naked look since I started watching the show on A&E - Hoarders!!!!! I think I may have an accessory hoarding tendency!!!!!
Thanks for stopping by and your boys are cutie pies!
That photo just makes me smile so I KNOW it makes you weak in the knees. They are adorable.
I agree...I hate a naked house too. There just something about Christmas decorations that make our homes feel warm and fuzzy.
Hugs from the beach!
I've just treated myself to a brand new camera and I love it!! I've always stayed with the Canon Power Shot cameras since they are so easy to use and take gorgeous pictures and this time I bought the Canon Power Shot SX20 IS. It has a zoom lens as well as an image stabilizer and I am so loving it:-) Put it auto and it automatically does all the just point and shoot!!
Oh yes, the January blahs affect me as well, especially right after I take down all the Christmas decorations. As you say, the house looks so bare and lifeless after all the colours and lights of Christmas are gone. I try to keep myself busy which is what I'm in the process of doing...decluttering! lol The charity thrift shop is loving me right now as I've been dropping off some stuff there every couple of days! hehe
I'll have to check out those blogs you mentioned, always so lovely to meet new friends:-) xoxo
You certainly added some smiles to my day today, especially when you talked about hating a naked house. I understood although I love taking down the Christmas decorations and having a clean slate. I agree with you that the two guys on that first picture could steal anyone's heart. You are a fortunate grandma!
I really like my Sony camera. It takes good pictures but does not have a lot of bells and whistles. That works for me. Hope you have a wonderful time in Colorado. It is one of my favorite places to visit.
My new look is up and I am LOVING it!!! All my fave Christmas colors....I hate my naked house too....that's why I leave up the string of colored lights at the ceiling that runs through the kitchen/dining room/den...then when I get the blahs through the year..I turn them on!
I am so with you on the bare look. After the decorations were taken down, I got sad.
But, with such beautiful grandbabies, you can have a gallery of photos throughout your house to fill in the bareness.
The trip sounds like it's going to be just what you need.
Thanks for stopping by my blog on the first; I don't think I returned the favor. What a cute blog you have!
It's so true!! I hate a naked house. It's funny because as I was checking out interior design books from the library last night I thought to myself, why do I always get in this mood in January? I think you found the answer - something to remedy a naked house!
I am finishing my Christmas tear-down today so I am so thankful for your idea to take a pic of each area that was decorated for Christmas. That will help a lot next year. Such a good idea.
Will be back to visit soon.
Happy New Year!
When I first take down Christmas, I feel that it's really stark and barren. then I realize how clean it is and I get happy again!
Haapy New Year, Teresa!
I am de-lurking. Honey, reading your blog just makes me tired ~ you have more energy in your little finger than I have in my whole body, I think.
Anyways, I am dreading taking dowm my decorations because I ENJOY them soooooo much. I have a friend, and her name is ta-da: TERESA, who helps me decorate and take it all down. I have several trees: main one, Tuscan tree, all white tree, Beanie Baby tree, Sweets tree, Georgia Tech tree, and a handbag/shoe tree. Teresa is my God-send. Could not do it without her. She works at the Mart the first week in January, so waiting until next week...sigh.
I so admire you and enjoy your blog very much. Thanks for sharing your life with is a joy to see your grandchildren, and your love for our Lord and the life He has given you.
I love SPA days, too. Enjoy every minute!!!!
I'm sorry I missed the calendar give-a-way ~ I am a "Calendar Girl" ~ even wrote a post about it.
(www.morningmist&, if you are interested.
Can't help you out with the camera...I'm pretty pathetically challenged in that area.
Take care and have a wonderful time in Vail.
Blessings and love to you and yours for the new year,
I can only IMAGINE how empty/naked your home must feel after you take down all of your lovely Christmas decorations!! Pretty sure you have a beautifully decorated home on a daily basis. ~
I treated myself to the Canon Rebel XSI - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! It can do MUCH more than I have found but the 'point & shoot' full auto feature does the job very well. I swear by it and my motto is you simply cannot take a bad picture with it!
Happy shopping!
I may be one of the few, but I was really kinda glad to get all of the Christmas stuff put away this year.
I had time off work and wanted to take advantage of the time.
I love football & hate to see it end.
We've watched every bowl game and thankfully my OU Sooners won in their little bowl game. :)
My husband bought me a Sony Cyber-Shot a couple of years ago for Christmas. It is fine for the pictures I take. I carry it in my purse at all times. I like that it fits so well in the outside compartment of my purse. You never know when there's going to be a picture-worthy moment.
It has a battery that I can pull out and recharge. I like that feature. I never have to worry about changing batteries.
I also hate reading directions! I want something to be plain and simple or else have someone just show me.
I haven't yet, but will check out the blogs you mentioned.
Isn't blogging wonderful?!! I've met so many amazing ladies on here. I could spend hours. And I do sometimes. :)
Have a good weekend and enjoy January and the quietness it brings. Get some rest. :)
Enjoy Colorado!
Happy New Year!
Love, love, love my camera I got before our trip to Italy this summer. I take so many pictures and am very picky about quality. I have REAL slr's , Digital SLR's and pocket digitals. When we headed to Europe this summer, I did not want to take 3 or 4 different cameras but I didn't want to sacrifice quality. I purchased the SONY DSCH20 and IT IS THE BEST CAMERA - EVERRRRR. If you check my blog last week, my pictures from Italy were SPECTACULAR enough to be blown up and framed! Since June, I haven't used any of my other 5 camera's since this even takes HD Video! Not sure if the models have changed since the summer, but check it out to see what may be the NEW version or just get the one I got.....good luck.
darling grand kids. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I had fun looking at yours. Lezlee
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. Always curious how one finds a complete strangers blog. This blog world thing is really something else.
My house is very naked right now and I really don't like it. But, I feel lazy about decorating too so that doesn't help.
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