I promise a short post, but I don’t want to forget to document this.
This started off as a laid back Saturday. Micah and Amanda were going to golf (crazy to me as it was 100 degrees), Parker was on his way home from the beach, so Jack, AKA Woody was going to hang with us today. Easy…we have done it tons of times.
We ran errands, stopped and had a wonderful lunch at Macaroni Grill.
Jack charmed our server and the next table doing his “Howdy Partner” Woody imitations. He loves that you can color on the table.
We had thought about going to see the new Cars movie but decided to wait on Parker and go next week.
Tomorrow is Grayson’s birthday party so we decided to stop at Target and let Jack pick out his gift. What was I thinking?
I bought a few groceries and Jack (Pop) and Jack (Woody) met me in the toy department. It will not come as a surprise to you that we “are easy” when it comes to little’s wants!
But we do not let them misbehave, they have to use their manners and they have to acknowledge someone when they are talking to them. And we do tell them no.
Well we met our match today. Jack found something for Grayson and as we were leaving the area he spotted the new CARS toys.
That was fine, he could pick out one little one. Now remember that he has his Woody cowboy hat on and Woody speaks with authority, so Jack speaks in that same voice.
He did not want the little one…At the top of his lungs he tells us he only wants the BIG RED CAR.
“No Jack, you can have a little one”!
I try to put him in the buggy….No way…he was not getting in the buggy. I am losing control.
I saw the pre-stroke versus post- stroke Jack (Pop) today. Remember he is an old football coach.
Pre-stroke he would have taken him straight to the car and he would have gotten nothing but a good counseling session. Today he looked and me and said “GET IT”!
Jack is so hard to discipline because he is so dang funny and has such a dry sense of humor, especially for a 3 year old.
At this point I say, “No Jack, you are not having the big red car. At this point he says, “Grammy, I do not want that little car, I ONLY want the BIG red car!
I feel like he was thinking , “I know Pop doesn’t hear good but do you have a hearing problem too?” I read his mind.
So the stand off comes to an end as he and Pop head to the check
out….red car in the buggy.
Today he WON! This is a blurry picture, but you can see the look of victory in his face.
And that’s what Grandparents are for.
It’s 1 AM and he is still awake playing a Dora game on the IPAD.
2025 and Other Stuff
15 hours ago
What a lovely tale! No matter how strict you are, sometimes kids do have to win and it's worth it for that smile on their faces!!
Just stopped by from a weekend blog hop. I’m following you now and hope you’ll stop by my blog sometime too! Have a lovely weekend.
Jill @ Creating my way to Success
Hi Teresa - it sounds like you and Jack are doing much better than the last time I spoke with you. I'm so glad to hear it.
I was just thinking about you the other day and here you popped up! Have a wonderful Sunday and soon we'll be able to trade Christmas stories again - =D
Tina "The Book Lady"
I have had the same kind of things happen in the toy aisle over the years! Ha!
I think every grandparent understands. I had my 11 ad 12 year old granddaughters this week and we went shopping one day.
They were good and I let them buy 3 tops a piece....and then at the check out there were wallets buy one get one...and they "begged" to add those in. I gave in! Even thought I went in thinking they could have one item apiece! ha! What was I thinking????
Then we had to go to Target to get 4 tank tops to go under the tops too! Sheesh! Having grandkids is expensive! (:>) (But so worth it!)
Love, Linda
Exactly, that's what grandparents are for. LOL
This reminds me of when my granddaughter was little (she's 24 now, lol); I'd take her to the $ dollar store, telling her she could choose five things; she always, always came away with SEVEN!! :)
Great story! I haven't run into this with the grand-kids yet. Crossing fingers, praying, knock on wood. Not necessarily in that order. LOL
I've learned to pick my battles as a grandmother far better than I did as a mother. I'm also far less fussy than I was in my youth. Besides, some naughty things ARE funny.
This made me laugh out loud! It's like our kids say... 'what on earth has happened to dad??; :)
Sometimes we just have to let them WIN. LOL (How can you ever say know to that adorable face?!)
LOVE THIS POST.. ;)) Hello there.. My name is Marilyn over from http://theartsygirlconnection.blogspot.com/ & I found ya via blog hop, loving your blog & officially following.. Hope you can visit me sometime.. Hope all is well with you.. TY
He sure looks happy!
I love this post! It makes me laugh at all the things my kids come home with from my moms. They can talk her into getting them anything. Im a new follower from top it off tuesday blog hop. Hope you can stop by and say hi!
Hi, I am a new follower from the hop! Hope you can hop over to Girl Tech Divas and follow back!
God love Grandpa, God love Jack, and God love you :) That was a precious story, one I think we can all relate to ... sigh. Glad it ended with a smile. I'm "following" your blog from the Social Hop and would love a follow back. Thanks!
Hi! How fun~ My Mom always tells me...I hope she isn't "too spoiled" when she comes home! I am a new follower!I would love it if you stopped by blog, take a look around and if you like what you see, follow me back! Thanks!
Have a great holiday!
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